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Misc Does Quetiapine (Seroquel) Make a Notable Difference in Depression?


Apr 29, 2018
I stopped taking it a week ago and feel my depression has gotten worse? Not sure if the two things are linked or not.
I did feel better within minutes of chewing up a 25mg Seroquel. You could be right.
I thought AP's were more likely to WORSEN depression, though?
It's a bit more complicated than that. AP's aren't really like SSRIs, they have more varying effects on a wide range of nt systems. That helps explain why some are more applicable to bipolar disorder, while others are usually given for schizophrenia (and related psychotic disorders). There is overlap, you just seldom see people with bpd being given haldol, clozaril, or invega. But a lot of the time they give people with schizophrenia one of these and then they supplement with a somewhat small amount of a less potent one, for example 15mg abilify.

Also even smaller amounts of the predominately D2-partials are known to actually be good for mdd in combination with a typical antidepressant.

Seroquel is indicated as a monotherapy for bipolar depression, not really something given for schizophrenia on its own, but the answer is yes it certainly can cause some depression if you get off of it. 25mg is about as small a dose of that as can be, it goes up to like 800mg. So it's not even off label use, it really has good data for use for bipolar depression.

Hope this helps.
It's a bit more complicated than that. AP's aren't really like SSRIs, they have more varying effects on a wide range of nt systems. That helps explain why some are more applicable to bipolar disorder, while others are usually given for schizophrenia (and related psychotic disorders). There is overlap, you just seldom see people with bpd being given haldol, clozaril, or invega. But a lot of the time they give people with schizophrenia one of these and then they supplement with a somewhat small amount of a less potent one, for example 15mg abilify.

Also even smaller amounts of the predominately D2-partials are known to actually be good for mdd in combination with a typical antidepressant.

Seroquel is indicated as a monotherapy for bipolar depression, not really something given for schizophrenia on its own, but the answer is yes it certainly can cause some depression if you get off of it. 25mg is about as small a dose of that as can be, it goes up to like 800mg. So it's not even off label use, it really has good data for use for bipolar depression.

Hope this helps.

Oh, yeah, I'm prescribed a lot more than 25mg, but I regularly get the 25mg pills as my doctor allows me to titrate my seroquel dose up or down as needed and the 25's are really useful to gradually change dose. I mostly use them (1 or 2) for sleep sometimes.