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Opioids Does Methadone Increase Liver Enzyme Levels?


Jun 18, 2005
Now I'm not talking about CYP450 but rather AST/ALT levels. These are typical liver enzymes that are tested for in standard blood tests for liver function. The cut off limit for AST/ALT levels are 60/40, respectively. People with hepatitis usually have AST/ALT levels up in the hundreds, and if the hepatitis is active it's usually in the thousands.

Anyway, recently, I had slightly elevated AST/ALT levels (48/44), so I retook an AST/ALT test along with a hepatitis C antibody test to see if I (ever had) hep C. Thankfully, I don't have any/never had any Hep. But on this new test my AST/ALT levels are now 73/47. :O. I dosed my methadone about 20 hours before I took the blood test... and I'm at 150mg. Is it possible that the methadone is what's causing the rise in AST/ALT? Or do you think I might have other liver-related problems, such as a fatty liver from being (currently) obese? If so, will losing weight (which I'm working on, goal is 150lbs by December), help this?

Thanks for any advice.
I remember reading that methadone does affect the liver, but if you are obese then that is almost surely the issue. If you lose weight, it will improve because the fat deposits straining the liver will be broken down. Good luck!
I have Hepatitis C. I went to a gastroenterologist after I found out, and was taking Suboxone at the time. I had my liver function test done and the liver enzyme part came back negatively, apparently Suboxone does that (caused by the naloxone). Anyway, the doctor told me to try to get on methadone because it is better for your liver and doesn't cause the negative liver enzyme thing to happen (I'm sorry I don't remember the technical term). Although, it could be possible with the amount you are taking, being 150mg, that it would effect your liver enzymes.
Also, I as I recall and someone correct me if I'm wrong in any of this but, anyone can have a fatty liver. A lot of obese people do not have them. If you do have a fatty liver though drinking is not a good idea, along with fatty foods.. You can get a liver ultrasound to confirm the fatty liver question (I'm sorry if this paragraph doesn't make sense or is unfinished, I am having tired issues).

I hope everything turns out alright, but you should definitely get tested again or more regularly/talk to a doctor, since they tend to know more about this sort of thing than the average "bluelighter"
Take care!
I also have hep C , and to me a 73/47 is only slightly above normal. People who go out for a few drinks the night before (moderate alcohol consumption) have popped higher on enzyme tests. considering my levels are 180/ 141, and thats considered "normal" for me :(. I do know that methadone effects the liver, but not in a way that it would increase the enzymes ( i mean, everyone is different so it could be possible). Your best bet is to get it tested again in a few weeks.

Can anyone else chime in on this? I'm actually interested myself, and obviously don't see the point in starting a fresh thread.
I have Hepatitis C. I went to a gastroenterologist after I found out, and was taking Suboxone at the time. I had my liver function test done and the liver enzyme part came back negatively, apparently Suboxone does that (caused by the naloxone). Anyway, the doctor told me to try to get on methadone because it is better for your liver and doesn't cause the negative liver enzyme thing to happen (I'm sorry I don't remember the technical term). Although, it could be possible with the amount you are taking, being 150mg, that it would effect your liver enzymes.
Also, I as I recall and someone correct me if I'm wrong in any of this but, anyone can have a fatty liver. A lot of obese people do not have them. If you do have a fatty liver though drinking is not a good idea, along with fatty foods.. You can get a liver ultrasound to confirm the fatty liver question (I'm sorry if this paragraph doesn't make sense or is unfinished, I am having tired issues).

I hope everything turns out alright, but you should definitely get tested again or more regularly/talk to a doctor, since they tend to know more about this sort of thing than the average "bluelighter"
Take care!
Yeah, I had an ultrasound done and got the results back. My doctor said everything in my abdomen looks fine except that I have a fatty liver... my doctor said as long as I lose weight I should be fine.. although if I continue being obese I could get problems down the line with my liver (although the doctor said this would take decades at least.)

I guess the methadone didn't have anything to do with the elevated AST/ALT levels moreso than my fatty liver did... at least I don't have hep C, whew. Thanks for all the advice.

Oh and I have one more question if anyone knows... would my fatty liver cause an increase in CYP450 activity in the liver? Because my dose of 150mg barely holds me till the morning and I usually just bear it out with minor withdrawals in the morning before going to dose (aches and pains, runny nose/eyes, anxiety, etc.) I was thinking about increasing my dose to 160mg if I really need to but I dunno if losing weight might help reduce the fatty liver and thereby reduce the activity of the CYP450 enzymes? Thanks for any advice.