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Does Ketamine work Orally?


Jun 14, 2016
Hey all.

I've had crystal ketamine in my possession for months and I occasionally have a line or two but I absolutely hate the detergenty taste of it, the only good thing about snorting it is it never blocks ur nose. Can I take it orally with the same effect of snorting it? Maybe put some of it inside a capsule?

Cheers guys.
Bioavailability of Ketamine according to various ROAs:

Intravenous: 100%
Intramuscular: 93%
Intranasal: 25-50%
Sublingual (under the tongue): 30%
Orally (by mouth): 16-24%

If you could find a way to inhibit cyp2b6 and cytochrome P450 then you might get decent effects. But that would likely involve mixing at least 1-2 more drugs with it, which doesn't sound safe on the face of it.

By the bioavailability listed above you are probably best off trying sublingual before anything else.
Well theres only one way to find out, i guess ill put some into a capsule maybe twice the amount I'd snort to make up for the reduced BA. Sublingual is out of the question as it goes into ur mouth which I dont like.
I think it has a good rectal BA if you're not one of these people who think it makes them gay, or doing it at a party with lots of people around!