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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(DOC/Unknown Dose) First time: I can see into the soul of music + RIP stomach


Moderator: MDMA
Nov 3, 2012
(DOC/Unknown Dose) - First time - I can see into the soul of music + RIP stomach

This is going to be a long post, sorry for that. I came across DOC blotters a few weeks ago. They were reagent tested but their potency was unknown (looking back I suspect them to contain a medium dose). I talked to a few friends that tripped on the same blotters and they all said the same thing: at least a twelve hour trip, blotters are orally active, taste very bitter and take 2-3 hours to come up, gastrointestinal issues, a bit of euphoria and stimulation and that they had a good trip on one blotter each. We (my girlfriend and I) decide to take one each as well. We went on a camping trip this weekend and decided it would be the perfect opportunity since the forest is very secluded, we know it like the back of our hands and feel very much at ease there

T+0:00 – We each take a blotter and immediately swallow it. It produces an intensely bitter chemical taste, perhaps a bit reminiscent of MDMA

T+0:30 – My stomach is very active and gives me occasional cramps. We are playing guitar, singing and smoking some weed to pass the time

T+2:15 – I feel that there is something going on in my body. It’s hardly noticeable but I can feel that I have an active drug in my system

T+2:30 – Stomach feels like it’s made of lead, this feeling is intense and very uncomfortable. While talking I notice something out of the corner of my eye. Right across from where I am sitting are a few bushes and small trees. They are warping back and forth very subtly. It’s starting

T+3:15 – The visuals have increased in intensity but are still pretty subtle. Music appreciation is increased a lot. Combined with a very elaborately programmed music visualizer projected onto a white sheet hung from the trees this makes for quite a staring contest. We have a bit of conversation here and there but this drug isn’t very psychological it seems, it doesn’t induce profound insights or deep conversation like some other psychedelics, at least not at this dose. We are both very giggly and have some euphoria. She seems to be tripping a good deal harder than me and at times is a bit confused. Her OEV’s are more intense as well. The effects are definitely coming in waves, one moment they are hardly noticeable and the next moment I’m being sucked into the music and the projected visuals. Auditory and visual stimuli are equally enjoyable. The stomach issues have reached peak intensity and are starting to weigh on the trip, pills to calm the stomach don’t help. The discomfort takes focus away from the trip, it is starting to step into the foreground now. On top of that we are both crying continuously, this is very weird, this drug makes your eyes sting and water up bad, the tears feel more sticky/oily than usual. What's also strange is that our eyes water up harder as the trip intensifies and less as the trip mellows for a while. Our noses are running too and we both have severe cottonmouth and mild random muscle spasms

T+4:30 – She is getting a bit agitated because of the stomach pains while at the same time reaching the peak of our trip. This causes her to become overwhelmed and she is starting to panic a little bit and she is also becoming a bit paranoid. I calm her down and reassure her a bit but she is still not right. She mentions she feels like the trees are closing in on her so I decide to take her for a walk on some open plains nearby to distract her a bit. I start describing everything I see around me and asking her what she sees, this calms her down and completely snaps her out of that negative mindset. We decide to puke to try and combat the pain and nausea a bit. This helps, it makes the discomfort bearable and lets us focus on the trip again. We end up walking for about 2 hours and encounter some absolutely beautiful sceneries. DOC at this dose seems to be a drug where you need to provide a basis yourself to experience good visuals because while the visuals in a neutral environment are very mild they are absolutely stunning when you come across something already beautiful or intricate in some way. A big broken stone bridge shrouded in mist in the middle of a river looks like it is plucked from a fantasy novel. The water is completely smooth and reflective like a mirror, the reflections of the moon on the surface are forming patterns that look like angelic symbols. The water surface seemed like it was about 15 meters below us while in reality it was only a meter below and we could see boats sailing on the water and docking on the other shore. Those boats turned out to be big rocks in reality. We return to the campsite after about 2 hours, though it could be a little longer than that, the trip gets a bit more hazy from this point on so my timeline might be a bit off

T+7:00 – This turned out to be the best part of the trip. We are both so occupied with the walk and the beautiful sights we come across that we didn’t notice the stomach discomfort has passed for the most part. Our eyes are still watering up very bad though. We talk for a bit and listen to some music. As soon as I fire up the projector and the visualizer appears again we are both completely hypnotized. This is absolutely awe-inspiring, I see the most beautiful landscapes, worlds, galaxies, beings and stories in those visuals. It's almost impossible to break focus. There is one visual that is striking in particular. It's a pulsating black hole that appeared in varying ways, sometimes coloured smoke rises off of it, sometimes it's blasting out energy waves and coloured fractals and sometimes it's vibrating and sucking in a maelstrom of colours and shapes. It seems to be a sentient being to both of us. We both have the feeling it's trying to communicate with us but we don't speak the language (music) well enough to understand what it's saying. The visualizer syncs to the music and does this really well which at times makes us feel like we can see into the soul of the song by observing the visuals it generates. We spend 4 hours staring at the projection, describing what we are seeing here and there and uttering the occasional "woooah" when it gets intense but we are silent for the most part. It’s insane how fast those 4 hours pass, it feels like we were only looking at the screen for about 30 minutes. I didn't close my eyes much, but when I did I only had minor CEV's. Some coloured patterning but I had to concentrate to see it well

T+11:00 – While the trip is still going we are starting to notice a bit of a decline in intensity. The visuals stay at peak intensity for about two more hours but I can feel the influence of the drug physically lift from my body slowly. The descent to baseline is very gradual and takes multiple hours, this drug takes a long time to fade away

T+16:00 – The lingering visuals have faded away for the most part, we are back at baseline. It's easy to fall asleep but the duration of the trip has something to do with that as well, I've been awake for 21 hours now and I've walked quite a distance. I suspect that if I wasn't so physically exhausted it might have been harder to fall asleep

Next day – I wake up after only 4 hours of sleep. I don't feel any side-effects at all, nothing to indicate I took a hallucinogen just a while before. As soon as I wake up I am instantly wide awake. This is very strange, I feel like I have just slept 8 hours and there is a rush of energy in my body that makes it impossible to sit still. I start cleaning up the campsite, not because I want to but because I have to. I notice that my mind is weirdly sharp. I clean up very efficiently and fast, which wouldn't be the case if I had only slept 4 hours without tripping the night before. As soon as I don’t have anything to occupy me I get hyperactive and ill at ease. I feel like I can take on the entire world but at the same time I feel completely at peace mentally. This is kind of reminiscent of an MDMA afterglow, minus the bliss and with added stimulation and sharpness. Strangely enough my gf slept for 10 hours and felt like she only slept for 2, she felt the complete opposite of me: lethargic, unmotivated, nauseous and sore all over. She also had a very stiff jaw, which I also find strange

All in all it was an ok trip, I had fun and saw some beautiful sights. Even my gf said she had an overall positive experience. However the physical side-effects and body load of this drug are way too intense for my liking. Coupled with the lack of depth and mental stimulation I don’t think I will be trying this again. DOC just isn’t ‘special’ enough to me to try it again. It was a positive experience for the most part though and there were moments that I will never forget. The complete absence of any after-effects and the increased focus and energy the next day (at least in my case) are a plus as well

This is the bridge we came across. At night in the moonlight shrouded in mist you can imagine how awesome it looked

And this is just about what the sentient black hole looked like
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SICK. Great story, thanks for the detailed info. I'm curious how you were running a projector in a forest??
SICK. Great story, thanks for the detailed info. I'm curious how you were running a projector in a forest??
We borrowed an audio and video setup from some friends that are into organizing free raves, it runs on car batteries