Do you think?


Nov 14, 1999
Do you think that E is a mind altering drug. Most times when I roll I feel completely coherent and I feel very in tune with myself. So I really don't think it's a mind altering drug like cid? What do you all think? Just curious....
"if man is ever to solve that problem of politics in practice he will have to approach it through the problem of the aesthetic, because it is only through beauty that man makes his way to freedom."
I don't think E is mind altering, but it is definately something. When I'm rolling, I'm completely coherent and know exactly what I'm doing, but the next day there is always "black spots" that I don't really remmeber through the night. If someone mentions something, it takes some thinking but I'll remember then.
don't you wish someone knew everything there was to know about any drug.?? hmmm....
I don't think E is mind altering, but it is definately something. When I'm rolling, I'm completely coherent and know exactly what I'm doing, but the next day there is always "black spots" that I don't really remmeber through the night. If someone mentions something, it takes some thinking but I'll remember then.
don't you wish someone knew everything there was to know about any drug.?? hmmm....
I'd have to agree with everyone who's responded to this so far; I don't think it's mind altering. When I'm rolling, yeah, I'll be more chatty than usual and I'll speak much more freely, hug more, ect... But it's a conscious decision to do so. Like I'm reveling in the fact that I AM so in tune with myself and my surroundings.. That's one of the things I really like about it. Ignorant people try and play it off like a 'sex drug' or say you lose control... like what Christina Ricci said in that one post..
C. Ricci: ...if I was with someone doing E or one of those social drugs it would be absolutely disgusting. I would be appalled if they were rubbing up against me and smiling and talking about how they can feel the love.
Interviewer: Do you think it's just a false state of being and they're making complete fools of themselves?
C Ricci: Yes, I do.
Whatevah beyotch! Heehee. I dunno, she doesn't know jack. It's like... I think that if I was rolling with Christina Ricci around I would have immediately sensed that she was the sort who wouldn't appreciate e-tarded cuddle sessions.. Empathy's such a huge part of it, but it's not like it's putting emotions there that weren't there to begin with. If yer rolling and you like the person, you wanna tell them just precisely how great they are. And if yer rolling and you DON'T like them, you're not gonna rush up and hug them... tho perhaps your mind will be more open, tolerant, or willing to forgive.
Just my two cents anyway.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
"don't you wish someone knew everything there was to know about any drug.?? hmmm...."
- Check out http:\\
That where I go whenever I have questions about dosage or flipping or whatever... It's the most educational sight I've found for this stuff.
I would have to say that I don't generally find e to be a mind altering chemical, although I have had some fairly altered experiences after dropping. I generally figure that it's due to the other chemicals.
"don't you wish someone knew everything there was to know about any drug.?? hmmm...."
- Check out http:\\
That where I go whenever I have questions about dosage or flipping or whatever... It's the most educational sight I've found for this stuff.
I would have to say that I don't generally find e to be a mind altering chemical, although I have had some fairly altered experiences after dropping. I generally figure that it's due to the other chemicals.
Ok. So you're all saying that you take the pill and you're still baseline all night?
I beg to differ for many reasons.
1) it releases chemicals in a quantity that you would never have normally. This changes your perception. Thus, since your perception is changed on things in general, your mind is changed *altered*
2) Your revelations? Remember those from back in the day of your first doses? Or maybe even recently? Be honest, would you have many if *any* of those revelations without dropping a pill? Your mind is altered and so you make revelations you wouldn't make normally
3) Look at yourself in sober life. Or, actually don't, have one of your straight edge friends look at you NOW compared to who you WERE a few months ago. make them scrutenize you a little bit. You're dumber, slower, more childlike, happier, more depressed, more empathetic, more monotone, more staticly emotioned? (can I say staticly emotioned?
) That make sense? Your mind is not the same anymore... it's been altered into the above qualities from the original base line which was?...(fill in the blanks)... or can you even remember who you used to be/reall are?
#3 was a bit harsh i guess, but I just see too many people totally blind to the harm ecstasy is causing to their minds. And just how MIND ALTERING it really is.
Perhas acid creates a new baseline while leavng bits of the old baseline so that you don't flip out?
While ecstasy takes the baseline you have when you drop, and elevates it upwards at the cost of certain things. You still feel like you cause your baseline hasn't moved right or left-- but up. But really, your baseline can move up or down and you still FEEL like yourself, non-altered. if your baseline moves right or left, then you definatly know somethings wrong (ie: when you're just absolutely depressed and you KNOW it, or when you're on acid or shrooms etc). Although I think shrooms are more of a ziggy zag upward diagnol baseline switch.
did that last paragraph make ANY SENSE? I knew exactly what I was talking about but I Think it was a bit... eh.

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| || || || ||Pyro| || |
I must disagree with your point about
"I just see too many people totally blind to the harm ecstasy is causing to their minds"
because for me I must say that E has opened me up to a whole new world of acceptance and love for other people. For example when I go to college everday, or to a club or bar I never experience other girls coming up to me to be friendly or just chat, but at a party or rave, girls always make friends and it's cool. Since I started rolling I have become a more empathetic person (which I believe is not harming me just making me a better person), more understanding and met some of the coolest people ever. I also am very aware of whats happening to me because of my drug use, and thats whay I continue to use E. I hope that you can have this experience too. I am not trying to cut you down, just share my personal X-perience. Yes I feel my mind has been slightly altered and I am so thankful for that. Peace
"if man is ever to solve that problem of politics in practice he will have to approach it through the problem of the aesthetic, because it is only through beauty that man makes his way to freedom."
I agree with Pyro
E changes your perception of reality, and therefore by definition is mind-altering. The mass amounts of seratonin produced by e are not normally present in your brain, and so by definition again, your mind is altered from its normal state when you take e. I think in general people tend to feel e isnt MA because one of its effects is to make you feel so confident and in control during use, esp. in comparison to that other heinously MA drug acid, where you have no doubt lost the bloody plot completely half an hour into your trip.
And spot on for the damage control mention, e might have a very positive effect on your life overall, but it helps to be aware of the damaging effects it has on the physical and chemical make-up of your brain. Be informed if you can be

"The spice extends life; the spice expands conciousness;the spice is vital to space travel"
Ok. Lets examine what you said about E rollwitit:
---because for me I must say that E has opened me up to a whole new world of acceptance and love for other people.---
==Not to be rude but it is a very very small world and the 'real world' shares very few of your sentements. it's drug induced.
---For example when I go to college everday, or to a club or bar I never experience other girls coming up to me to be friendly or just chat, but at a party or rave, girls always make friends and it's cool. ---
==girls come up to you and they are on E. Would they do this in sober life? Maybe while passing you by at college would they come up to you and be cool or just pass you buy like any other day if they didn't know you? It is drug induced.
---Since I started rolling I have become a more empathetic person (which I believe is not harming me just making me a better person)---
== drug induced empathy. Were you like this before you took the chemical into your system? no, THUS you have been altered from your previous self into whomever you are now.
---more understanding and met some of the coolest people ever. ---
== That's nice, it's one of the reasons I like E. I can be more understanding and I do meet cool people at raves. RAVES. ---raves---
And can you be too understanding? Can one become too empathetic? yes, of course.
---I also am very aware of whats happening to me because of my drug use, and thats whay I continue to use E. ---
==Are you aware? Or do you see only a few of the side-effects (the positive ones). And you would ignore the negative effects just for those few changes YOU CAN DO WITHOUT THIS CHEMICAL ON YOUR OWN? Addiction is described by what you just said.
---I hope that you can have this experience too. ---
==I have had these experiences. Then I stepped back for a bit and observed myself. To see what REALLY was happening. I wasn't looking for the negative and I wasn't looking for the positive, I was just letting myself see what I could. and what I am talking about is what I saw in everyone who took E. Including myself. I too have had these revelations, and then realized that they are drug induced and false. They would be true if the rest of the world were on drugs as well, but that is not the case.
---I am not trying to cut you down, just share my personal X-perience.---
==There, this is exactly what I was trying to do. Yet you did cut me down. Belittling my experiences with ecstasy... and I've done the same thing to you. Not as revenge but to maybe show you what you are not seeing. Maybe you see it slightly and you do not want to look around the corner too far? You ever notice that sometimes when you are driving you notice just a few things, and then when you have someone drive you down the same route you notice the hills and the skyline and the trees and just how much you didn't see while driving?
---Yes I feel my mind has been slightly altered and I am so thankful for that.---
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| || || || ||Pyro| || |
Hmmm...quite a's what I think:
I do believe E is a mind-altering drug, but only to a certain extent. I've never done acid but I have tried mushrooms and the experience is very different from E. Ok, this is kinda hard to describe...lets say when you're sober, the way you think in your brain is like a continuous flat line. When I was on mushrooms I felt like someone took my normal "flat-line" brain waves and made them all wavy and squiggly (ok I came up with this explanation WHEN I was on shrooms, so bear with me!) E is definitely not like that. I can think clearly, I know where I am, I'm still in the same world...but at the same time, not entirely. My perception of everything is heightened, sometimes I trip out, like I'll hear things wrong. For example, one time my friend was holding her smoke and asking me for a light, but I thought she was saying her cigarette broke and I was flipping out (?). Point being, E does alter your mind and your reality, but not like acid.
However...Pyro, I think you're a little negative when you say that everything good that happens while you're on E, such as meeting new people, etc. is somehow artificial and drug induced
E doesn't make you a different person...if you're an evil, mean person, it won't make you all lovey-dovey and bond with everyone. IMHO, E brings out what is already inside you, it allows you to drop your inhibitions and release what is inside your soul. I especially notice this when I watch friends who are trying E for the first time...everyone's different! My sister couldn't stop hugging and kissing EVERYONE, she's naturally a really caring person that way. My friend couldn't stop talking to strangers and giving them presents, she's naturally a very giving person. See my point? E allows you to open up to be your true self, nothing more. It's not a "happy drug", I know this cuz there have been times I took it when I was unhappy trying to make myself only made me more aware of my unhappiness. Just something to chew on.

~*Love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobody is watching*~
Uhm... Pyro? Go check out This is actually a suggestion for everyone who has not read actual medical evidence for how MDMA affects your brain. I was amazed at how little I knew. Is the question of whether or not this is a mind altering drug really a matter of opinion, up for intense debate? Go visit their site and see.
PS, their links page was actually what lead me here, and into all these wonderful, mostly fascinating conversations.
I think it's safe to say that I've read every piece of published article on the internet. most stuff a few times...
I don't speak without the push of knowledge behind my words. Although you can *read* all you want, and without experience it's all hollow observation.
I have
1) knowledge
2) experience
I know what I'm talking about. I have seen a lot of shit. I have stood first party and third party to a lot of shit. I'm not just spewing bullshit for the sake of conversation
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| || || || ||Pyro| || |