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Do you find bupe enhances your high?


Aug 23, 2011
I'm sitting here letting my main, large dose of bupe soak in that I alot myself within 24 hours, and I had smoked some of my shatter earlier and I'm feeling quite comfy.

I feel like bupe has a natural "I'm content with whatever I'm doing" component to it, and add in marijuana which tends to make one more happy and content with their current state of things, so you combine those and you have a better than average high. Its great anytime but especially if you can hold out all day and then at night smoke and take a large dose and maybe a snack with some warm tea, you get extremely comfy. Nothing beats laying down after taking a couple hits of shatter with a 5.7mg zubsolv dissolving under your tongue.

I've also heard that bupe can limit or make some people feel not high, and I've had that as well. At least, I feel I should have been higher than I was a few times, but for the most part they synergize great for me. I was telling my bupe doctor who knows I smoke, bupe stops craving for all other things but I still had this craving where you just want a change in consciousness, kind of sensation that feels separate from opiate cravings just a change in mindset, and smoking shatter solves that craving for the most part. And it doesn't effect my calorie intake which is good.
I can't remember how, but I believe cannabis greatly increases the amount of bupe you absorb, so I suppose it's the weed enhancing the bupe high rather than vice versa. Good for you man, but try and watch out as I've heard of people doing that combo a lot, then running out of weed which puts them in bupe withdrawal too due to the lower bupe absorption.
I can't remember how, but I believe cannabis greatly increases the amount of bupe you absorb, so I suppose it's the weed enhancing the bupe high rather than vice versa. Good for you man, but try and watch out as I've heard of people doing that combo a lot, then running out of weed which puts them in bupe withdrawal too due to the lower bupe absorption.
Really wow...thats interesting. I was going to make a post wondering if some type of shatter induce a type of "nod" but perhaps its just the shatter increasing bupe absorption. Wow this is great news. About to dose and smoke now lol