• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Do You Bring Work Stuff Home?


Bluelight Crew
Feb 17, 2013
It's going to be busy again for next month for our company. There's going to be tons of orders from our customers and we are short staff (two people). I am not counting our shipper because she has been unhelpful when it comes to acquiring extra work. I won't have a choice but to stay late for over time work or bring work home. Do you guys do this as well?
i get paid on commission so I take work home all the time.

Are you saying that they will pay you overtime if you stay late, but you won't get paid extra to bring the work home? I'd definitely stay late since you have to get it done either way.
I'm not even sure if they are going to pay us overtime this year, because the owners are soooooo greedy, and they always say "sorry guys our sales are not that good blah blah so it would be really good if we don't pay OT. I hope we get paid this year for extra hours because last year we didn't. It just feels like even if I stayed late I won't have enough time and I still need to bring work home and sleep late.
My work is software development for a cloud-based platform, so I very frequently will go home and continue working on whatever I was working on before heading home. Or sometimes I will only be in-office for part of the day and do the rest from home. A lot of hours get put in overall, but I have a lot of flexibility in when/where they get put in.
i don't. i leave my work phone in the car and only check work emails once an evening.

i like having a clear separation of work and fun.
^^ Then I'm basically with Animal Cookie...If there isn't really an incentive to put in the OT and bust your ass, then why bother? Why not do as much as you need to while looking for a job with a company that will appreciate the work you do?
^^ Then I'm basically with Animal Cookie...If there isn't really an incentive to put in the OT and bust your ass, then why bother? Why not do as much as you need to while looking for a job with a company that will appreciate the work you do?
I have awesome coworkers and the fact that I got so used to working there makes it a bit tough to leave. Its quite tough to be looking for another job that will pay me as much as they do but it ia not something impossible for me to do. Obe mre thing is the promotion that is waiting for me once my supervisor leaves for maternity as she mentioned she might not comeback.
I personally don't think that waiting for someone to leave is a good career plan. Also, there are pleanty of places with awesome co-workers...Having said that, there is a lot of value in liking the people you work with. The money thing is another story, it just means that you have to be picky.

NOW is the best time to be considering other job opportunities. You don't have to accept a new position unless it actually is better than your current job. As long as you're descrete about it the worst thing that can happen is that you'll know that you are in the best situation possible.
I used to get bogged down with extra work that I simply couldn't finish with all the interruptions and answering phones. So I started bringing work home with me but when my boss found out, he was mad saying I shouldn't remove confidential records from the office. So I couldn't win either way. I ended up transferring to another department with less stress.
Fortunately, my job ends right when I get off & doesn't affect me until it's time to start back. I never bring anything home with me or work unexpected overtime--as soon as it's 9am, I am through. Once it's 9pm I am back at it.