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DMT first experience and a shadow being


Jan 2, 2016
The first time that I properly did dmt I was largely unaware that I had done it. This is because a friend of mine had some of their own dmt and used my portable weed vaporiser in order to do it the day before this. Some dmt was stuck around the edges of the chamber of the vape however since I was loading it with weed, I didn't think there would be any dmt effects. Of course this was not the case, and as I was using my vape I was suddenly picked up and dropped off in my own room, but nothing was the same.

To describe the weirdness I was seeing would need a smarter person than I but I will say that I was in a sort of cartoon land with beautiful colours and visuals. Since I did not realise that I had done dmt the experience was freaking me out due to the fact I had no idea what it was that I had done to get to this land, but after an amount of time I realised that I had done dmt and was in fact in dmt realms. As soon as I realised this, what I can only describe as a shadow being appeared in front of me, 7ft tall and it seemed to be intimidating to me at first. As seems to be the case with me no actual words were spoken, it was all telepathic however nothing it spoke made any sense to my conscious mind, although for some reason I felt that I knew what it was telling me and I also knew that it was familiar to me, I believed then and still believe now that it was something much more intelligent than I and that its purpose here was to make me aware that it exists and to help me with anything that i needed. It was telling me things that I still to this day do not understand, but I hope that one day I am able to realise what it was telling me and to learn from it, because although some consider 'shadow beings' to be malicious, I am certain that mine was here to teach me and to help me, after he said goodbye and left I recall feeling something joining me as if it was always there and will always be. After that had ended I led down on my bed and was immediately back, albeit feeling the high of the weed that I had vaped too, and proceeded to have a wonderful evening recalling what I believe it all to have meant.
Has anyone else ever had an experience like this?

First time ever making a thread, feel free let me know if i did anything wrong I would appreciate it, and please share some of your own stories! :)
Hi and welcome to PD & BL :)

Yes I'm familiar with the cartoony patterned and textured playful DMT land, it feels carnivalesque to me and akin to the fruits of an unburdened and unrestricted child's imagination.

Also I have 'met' quite a number of different "beings" or entities, some of them I saw, others I sensed. I've seen them as shadow or grey static before.

Despite that they feel dissociated from you or me, that they may seem to have their own intelligence and agenda... honestly it's still perfectly reasonable that they are parts of our own mind. Psychedelics project our conscious and unconscious mind and various aspects and functions governed by many many distinct brain regions, and interconnect these. This results in our mind discovering other parts of itself and spinning it into an experience, just like dreams are a stream of attempted coherence.

Each of us has wisdom, but also malice inside of us and many other aspects, even if we are good at suppressing some while letting others flourish - serving a particular role or domain. We have a wise voice inside of us that learns to be pretty sharp at knowing what is good for us, but what can make us immature is if we ignore this in the face of weaker and easier choices. Yet, I believe for example in a DMT trip this wise voice can be clear and profound, and so we can guide ourselves.

Normally these aspects are interwoven into ourselves and our lives and we do not consider them separate from us unless perhaps in psychotic / schizophrenics. But during this unusual state of consciousness we do. Just like sound can be interpreted as visuals, or other things that are not 'supposed' to work like that for us.

It doesn't mean that it isn't marvellous, or that we cannot learn incredible things about ourselves or the world, or that it is all fake or false. It just means it is reasonable to admit that these are manifestations of our spectacular mind.

Many psychedelic effects are accepted to be that way. Is it reasonable to suddenly make an exception, believing in external influences and explanations? Because it's so alien or impressive?
We couldn't begin to fathom how our minds work, so don't underestimate it as a source for wild and vivid experience.
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