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dissolved mdma in juice. how long can it be stored in the fridge?


Sep 22, 2010
Hi everyone, just a quick question: a few days ago I mixed some mdma in tropicana fruit juice but wasn't able to consume it (something came up.) So I stored it in the fridge. Would it still be safe to consume like a week later? Would the mdma still have the same effect?
Not sure what effect the citric acid would have on the mdma. My guess is that it won't have turned into anything toxic. You'd best try it and see. Have a nice time experimenting :)
it wont do anything to it,. nothing is going to happen at that cold of a temperature to it or anything else in the juice freeze it for the time being if you are that paranoid (just make sure the container doesn't crack).....and make sure anyone else that has access to that fridge knows not to drink it....people have being killed by accidentally eating their roomates drugs
Used to do this every once and while back in my early raver days. Kicks in fast. I'd be worried about the effects on my teeth from its usage.