• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Dilantin (phenytoin)


May 22, 2013
Hi, Im pretty smart and have some knowledge of pharmacology but i need some help with this one....i was wondering whether or not this study is saying that this drug increases or decreases acetylcholine levels? Just curious because im wondering about the effect it has on temperament and acetylcholine. Any help would be truly appreciated. Thank you in advance. p.s. i have another question regarding endorphins if you can answer the question.

Acetylcholine (ACh)

Bose, Saifi and Sharma, Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie (1963),30 found that PHT lowered acetylcholine levels in rat heart by 9.6% at 4 mg/kg PHT and by 18.9% at 8 mg/kg.

30. Bose, B. C., Saifi, A. Q., and, Sharma, S. K., Studies on anticonvulsant and antifibrillatory drugs, Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., 146: 106-113, 1963.

Agarwal and Bhargava, Indian Journal of Medical Research (1964),1 determined brain acetylcholine (ACh) levels in rat using a frog rectus abdominis muscle bioassay. PHT (100 mg/kg) intraperitoneally, lowered brain ACh levels 38%; methedrine lowered brain ACh by 42%; and pentamethylene tetrazol lowered brain ACh by 47%. In contrast, phenobarbital, pentobarbital, morphine, meprobamate and reserpine increased brain ACh, and chlorpromazine produced no change.

1. Agarwal, S. L. and Bhargava, V., Effect of drugs on brain acetylcholine levels in rats, Indian J. Med. Res., 52: 1179-1182, 1964.

Baker, Okamoto and Riker, The Pharmacologist (1971),789 found that in a cat soleus nerve-muscle preparation, pretreatment with PHT counteracts the additional excitation produced by injecting acetylcholine. The authors note that PHT selectively suppresses the post-tetanic potentiation of motor nerve terminals without impairing single impulse transmission.

789. Baker, T., Okamoto, M., and Riker, W. F., Diphenylhydantoin (DPH) suppression of motor nerve terminal (MNT) excitation by acetylcholine (ACh), Pharmacologist, 13: 265, 1971.

Woodbury and Kemp, Psychiatria, Neurologia, Neurochirurgia (1971),1696 discuss the work of Van Rees, Woodbury and Noach at their laboratory in which small amounts of PHT (0.3-3 µg/ml) were found to increase the release of acetylcholine from parasympathetic nerve endings in the wall of the ileum and also from the intramural ganglia and thus have a stimulating effect on the contraction of the ileum. However, when the contraction of the ileum was made excessive by the addition of acetylcholine, PHT inhibited the contractions. Thus, a biphasic effect of PHT in this circumstance was referred to by the authors.

1696. Woodbury, D. M. and Kemp, J. W., Pharmacology and mechanisms of action of diphenylhydantoin, Psychiat. Neurol. Neurochir., 74: 91-115, 1971.

Gilbert and Wylie, Advances in Epileptology (197,2536 studied the effects of PHT and other drugs on magnesium-ATPase located in synaptic vesicles and on acetylcholine and norepinephrine release. They found that PHT (200 µM) can inhibit magnesium- and sodium-potassium-ATPase in the nerve terminal. PHT did not alter basal acetylcholine release, but increased basal norepinephrine release. PHT abolished the electrically-evoked release of acetylcholine and reduced the evoked release of norepinephrine.

2536. Gilbert, J. C., Wyllie, M. G., Effects of anticonvulsants at the nerve terminal, Advances in Epileptology, Meinardi, H., Rowan, A. J., Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, 172-75, 1978.

Vizi and Pasztor, Experimental Neurology (1981),3050 reported that PHT (1 µM) significantly reduced the ouabain-induced release of acetylcholine, without affecting resting release, in isolated human cortical brain slices. The authors suggest that PHT's ability to reduce repetitive firing and ACh release contributes to its therapeutic effects.

3050. Vizi, E. S., Pasztor, E., Release of acetylcholine from isolated human cortical slices: inhibitory effect of norepinephrine and phenytoin, Exp. Neurol., 73: 114-53, 1981.

Aly and Abdel-Latif, Neurochemical Research (1982),2285 reported on the effects of PHT, carbamazepine, phenobarbital and valproate on acetylcholine-stimulated 32P incorporation into phospholipids in rat brain synaptosomes. Of the four drugs studied, only PHT (10-100 µM) blocked the ACh-stimulated labeling of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidic acid and break-down of polyphosphoinositides. In the absence of acetylcholine, PHT had no effect on the 32P labeling of phospholipids or ATP. The authors suggest that PHT's regulation of sodium and calcium membrane permeability is important to its actions on ACh-stimulated phospholipid metabolism and, thus, synaptic function.

2285. Aly, M. I., Abdel-Latif, A. A., Studies on the effects of acetylcholine and antiepileptic drugs on 32Pi, incorporation into phospholipids of rat brain synaptosomes, Neurochem. Res., 7(2): 159-69, 1982.

Prasad and Kumari, Indian Journal of Pharmacology (1982),2879 reported the effects of PHT on acetylcholine content of different areas of the dog brain and on the release of ACh from dog cerebral cortex. They found that intravenous PHT (30 mg/ kg) increased ACh in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, corpus callosum and midbrain, but decreased it in the hypothalamus. PHT significantly reduced release of ACh from the cerebral cortex.

2879. Prasad, S., Kumari, P., Effect of diphenylhydantoin (DPH) sodium on some neurotransmitters of central nervous system, Indian J. Pharmacol., 14: 25, 1982.

Quest, Breed and Gillis, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (1982),2887 found that PHT significantly reduced cardiac slowing produced by both vagus stimulation and injected acetylcholine in cats with cervical vagotomy and spinal cord transection. PHT's blockade of the ACh response suggested that it acts on the postsynaptic membrane.

2887. Quest, J. A., Breed, C. R., Gillis, R. A., Effect of phenytoin on cardiac slowing induced by cholinergic stimulation, J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 4: 629-34, 1982.

Diamond, Gordon, Davis and Milfay, Advances in Neurology (1983),2451 studied the effects of PHT on the phosphorylation of acetylcholine receptors (AChR) in the electric organ of the eel. They found that the membrane-bound AChR is reversibly phosphorylated by endogenous protein kinase and that PHT markedly inhibits this phosphorylation. Half-maximal inhibition occurred at 50 µM. The authors suggest that PHT achieves this inhibition by its direct effects on the availability of postsynaptic protein substrates for the phosphorylation reaction and that PHT may modulate receptor sensitivity by this mechanism.

2451. Diamond, I., Gordon, A. S., Davis, C. G., Milfay, D., Phenytoin and phosphorylation of nicotinic receptors, Advances in Neurology. Status Epilepticus, Delgado-Escueta, A. V., et al., Eds., Raven Press, New York, 339-44, 1983.

Pincus and Weinfeld, Brain Research (1984),2870 studied the effect of PHT on acetylcholine release from rat brain synaptosomes. PHT (200 µM) reduced the depolarization-dependent release of ACh in media containing 1.0 mM calcium and 56 mM potassium-chloride. PHT increased ACh release in non-depolarized synaptosomes, irrespective of calcium concentration. PHT did not affect release of ACh from depolarized synaptosomes in calcium-free media. The authors note that PHT has two effects. By limiting sodium-calcium exchange, it increases calcium concentration intracellularly, leading to an increase in spontaneous ACh release. By interfering with calcium uptake at the synaptosomal membrane during depolarization, PHT decreases depolarization-linked ACh release.

2870. Pincus, J. H., Weinfeld, H. M., Acetylcholine release from synaptosomes and phenytoin action, Brain Res., 296: 313-17, 1984.

Miller and Richter, British Journal of Pharmacology (1985),2795 reported that PHT, administered intraperitoneally prior to preparation of synaptosomes, increased high-affinity choline uptake (20-48 in mouse hippocampal synaptosomes. This was in contrast to barbiturates, which inhibited choline uptake, and to carbamazepine, which had no effect.

2795. Miller, J. A., Richter, J. A., Effects of anticonvulsants in vivo on high affinity choline uptake in vitro in mouse hippocampal synaptosomes, Br. J. Pharmacol., 84(l): 19-25, 1985.

Pincus and Kiss, Brain Research (1986),3495 reported that phenytoin (10 µM) inhibited the potassium-evoked release of acetylcholine from rat brain synaptosomes, a process which is biphasic. Phenytoin acted only on the early phase of release. Replacement of external sodium with lithium did not modify phenytoin's effect. Phenytoin augmented the spontaneous release of acetylcholine from resting synaptosomes, but this effect was eliminated in lithium-containing media. The authors suggest that PHT reduces potassium-evoked calcium uptake and sodium/calcium exchange by separate mechanisms.

3495. Pincus, J.H. and Kiss, A., Phenytoin reduces early acetylcholine release after depolarization, Brain Res., 397: 103-7, 1986.

Pincus and Kiss, Experimental Neurology (1986),3496 assayed the effect of phenytoin (100 to 200 æM) and/or tetrodotoxin (1 æM) on acetylcholine release in rat brain synaptosomes depolarized with either KCl (56 mM) or veratridine (10 æM). Phenytoin reduced release in both depolarizing solutions. In KCl the effect of phenytoin was greater at 200 æM than 100 æM, but with veratridine, phenytoin (200 æM) was not more effective than 100 æM. Tetrodotoxin failed to affect release induced by KCl, but the effect of tetrodotoxin and phenytoin on veratridine-stimulated release was much greater than that with phenytoin alone (100 æM). The authors conclude that the inhibition of acetylcholine release by phenytoin must be independent of any effect of the drug on Na conductance.

3496. Pincus, J.H. and Kiss, A., Phenytoin, tetrodotoxin, and acetylcholine release, Exp. Neurol., 94: 777-81, 1986

Lason, Przewlocka and Przewlocki, Life Sciences (1985),2691 studied the effects of a group of substances, including PHT, on beta-endorphin and dynorphin levels in rat hypothalamus, pituitary, hippocampus and thalamus. PHT (10 mg/kg) decreased the concentrations of beta-endorphin, but not dynorphin, in the hypothalamus. The authors suggest that the release of beta-endorphin induced by low doses of PHT may account for its therapeutic effects in affective disorders.

okay so this ones a little easier for me? but i still have to ask...it says that PHT decreased the concentrations of beta-endorphin in the hypothalamus, but then it states that beta-endrphin release is the reason for its therapeutic effect. Is it decreased in the hypothalamus because of the release?
i was wondering whether or not this study is saying that this drug increases or decreases acetylcholine levels?

Bose [et al] (1963),30 found that PHT lowered acetylcholine levels in rat heart [...]
30. Bose, B. C., Saifi, A. Q., and, Sharma, S. K., Studies on anticonvulsant and antifibrillatory drugs, Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., 146: 106-113, 1963.
Agarwal and Bhargava, (1964) [found] PHT (100 mg/kg) intraperitoneally, lowered brain ACh levels 38%;
Prasad and Kumari, Indian Journal of Pharmacology (1982),2879 reported the effects of PHT on acetylcholine content of different areas of the dog brain and on the release of ACh from dog cerebral cortex. They found that intravenous PHT (30 mg/ kg) increased ACh in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, corpus callosum and midbrain, but decreased it in the hypothalamus. PHT significantly reduced release of ACh from the cerebral cortex.

depends on dose & likely what area of the brain, it looks like.
surely phenytoins effects have more behind then than excusively ACh depletion/modulation, though... read some of the refs you posted? it looks like a very complex mode of action.

Is it decreased in the hypothalamus because of the release?

it does not say that, so not neccesarily
So with this medication, wouldn't the effect on sodium channels be a great deal more important?

Im actually studying the effects it has on neurotransmitters right now....heres a website if your interested remarkablemedicine.com

Jack Dreyfus and The Story of a Remarkable Medicine.

This web site is dedicated to the life and work of Jack Dreyfus, founder of Dreyfus & Co, the Dreyfus Fund, and the Dreyfus Health Foundation, set up to researching the benefits of a drug called Dilantin (phenytoin).

Jack Dreyfus died peacefully on March 27, 2009 at the age of 95. For more details in the coming days and weeks, please visit the "News" section of this website.

This site includes over 500 new studies and references detailing recent clinical work on new symptoms and disorders for which PHT has proven useful. These include: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Motion Sickness, ADHD, Tourette's Syndrome, and many other conditions. For a list of these references, click here.

In January 2006, new basic mechanisms information was added on magnesium, peptides, neurosteroids, cerebral metabolism, spinal cord, physiological models of stress, cardiac muscle, and others. Please visit the Basic Mechanisms section for more on these and other subjects.

For forty years, Jack Dreyfus has dedicated himself to disseminating information to the public about phenytoin, which has been found useful for over eighty symptoms and disorders, and is currently being used for a wide variety of conditions in nearly thirty countries around the world. However, because of a flaw in the way the government brings medicines to the attention of the public, the drug is still listed for only one use in the United States.

In his most recent book, Written in Frustration, Jack Dreyfus examines the obstacles to bringing phenytoin to the attention of doctors and the American public and brings his brilliant sense of probabilities to the issue of how likely it is that a drug can be useful for so many conditions. In a time of ever-increasing health care costs, questions about drug safety, and concern with government accountability and transparency, the message of Written in Frustration has never been more urgent or necessary

Those who are interested in Written in Frustration, will also be interested in The Story of a Remarkable Medicine. This book details the Jack Dreyfus’s extraordinary life and how his experience of depression led him to discover phenytoin and dedicate the rest of his life to helping people all over the world.

The site is split into three different parts. In "Life" you can explore the remarkable life and skills of Jack Dreyfus: his successes on Wall Street, his genius at gin rummy and bridge, his achievements in the sports of horseracing, golf, and tennis—all told with his customary dry wit and charm.

In "Medicine" you can read how Jack dealt with the severe depression that affected him in the late 1950s. After seeing a physician six days a week, for over five years, Jack had the incredible luck to think that the depression was caused by inappropriate electrical activity in his body. He asked his physician to allow him to try the drug, Dilantin, that was used for epilepsy. To the surprise of both Jack Dreyfus and the doctor, he returned to good health, promptly. This section looks at Jack's efforts to bring this remarkable drug to the attention of doctors and the United States government.
Finally, in "Clinical Studies," you can read some of the thousands of studies in over 350 medical journals that have shown the usefulness of phenytoin for a wide range of ailments. This section has been updated with over eighty new studies from the 1990s and 2000s, showing that Dilantin is useful for even more conditions than previously thought. Feel free to take the information on this site, or the books, to your doctor.
Are you just copying and pasting things from the website? Please don't do that. It's making your posts a bit poorly structured and hard to read. Please try to write your own thoughts relevant to your topic.

Okay I found another study I just had to know more about....If you can help explain more about what they are talking about please explain...do you think this happens in humans as well...this is very interesting it would make my YEAR to know more about it....thanks in advance

Hadfield and Weber, Biochemical Pharmacology (1975),1875 in a study of fighting mice and non-fighting mice, found that the uptake of [3H]-norepinephrine was increased by fighting. PHT (100 µM) significantly decreased this uptake. The authors state that inhibition of norepinephrine up-take may explain PHT's effect on aggressive behavior in animals and humans.

1875. Hadfield, M. G. and Weber, N. E., Effect of fighting and diphenylhydantoin on the uptake of 3H-1-norepinephrine in vitro in synaptosomes isolated from retired male breeding mice. Biochem. Pharmacol., 24: 1538-40, 1975.

Hadfield and Rigby, Biochemical Pharmacology (1976),1874 measured [3H]-dopamine uptake in striatal synaptosomes from fighting mice. They found that intense fighting produced virtually instantaneous increases in dopamine uptake and that PHT (100 µM) inhibited this uptake.

1874. Hadfield, M. G. and Rigby, W. F. C., Dopamine: Adaptive uptake changes in striatal synaptosomes after 30 seconds of intense fighting, Biochem. Pharmacol., 25: 2752-4, 1976.
please don't bump your posts.

If you can help explain more about what they are talking about please explain

well, i think those papers say that fighting causes monoamine uptake, & phenytoin blocks that uptake.
without the fulltext i wouldn't get too excited.
Oh I have the full text...can I post...and tell me what you think? Im looking for info on the two studies about fighting and monoamine uptake...

[humongous copy and paste deleted]
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perhaps you didnt understand, without the fulltext of those 2 specific papers it's hard to say anything.

find someone with a subscription to biochemical pharmacology and ask them to supply you with the papers, perhaps.
I take dilantin and was wondering about the effects that it has on endorphins...I take 600mg's would this constitute as a lower level of dilantin that would boost my endorphin levels?


Lason, Przewlocka and Przewlocki, Life Sciences (1985),2691 studied the effects of a group of substances, including PHT, on beta-endorphin and dynorphin levels in rat hypothalamus, pituitary, hippocampus and thalamus. PHT (10 mg/kg) decreased the concentrations of beta-endorphin, but not dynorphin, in the hypothalamus. The authors suggest that the release of beta-endorphin induced by low doses of PHT may account for its therapeutic effects in affective disorders.

2691. Lason, W., Przewlocka, B., Przewlocki, R., The effect of Gamma-hydroxybutyrate and anticonvulsants on opioid peptide content in the rat brain, Life Sci., 33(l): 599-602, 1983.
same difference...can anyone shed any light onto this phonemenon with dilantin? the site is remarkablemedicine.com if interested
I've got some phenytoin here and it's pretty serious stuff, although not recreational. I was thinking that maybe the half-life is quite long, I mean it's been a few days since I last took some but I am still feeling crawling sensations under my skin. It feels as if the blood is running laterally between the veins instead of along them. People often talk about the ability to think laterally. There must be a stimulant side to the drug, because it feels as if it elevates my blood pressure, and it contains the same geminal diphenyl F.G. as in desoxypiradrol.
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