Diet Induced Anhedonia


Jul 15, 2014
Been a reader of BL for god knows how long, specifically the steroid discussion and other sections spark my interest, never had a reason to post, however as of late i do.

My situation as of current.

I was on a cutting stack.

Test E 375mg Week
Tren A 100mg ED
Mast P 100mg ED
Caber 0.5mg x2 Week

All of this was going all fine and dandy, my mood and motivation was incredible, felt happy and euphoric almost all the time. However, once i added in T3 it all spiraled really fucking badly, i stupidly dropped my calories way below my BMR (BMR is 2000) dont mix BMR with TDEE, and i was eating 1700-1800 calories, not even including TEF, cardio everyday and training 4-5x a week, needless to say i was dropping weight extremely fast, probably 2kg a week, but my NEAT drastically dropped, my body did NOT want to move, it basically sent signals to my brain to sit in fucking bed and do nothing also i had very hard time sleeping and taking my mind off food, that should have been a sure sign of something wrong, but i pushed on because hey "no pain no gain, right? 8(" Anyway, i continued on this, my mood then started to suffer, mood swings all the time, first time in my life i started to binge eat and basically just uncontrollable eating till i felt sick, thanks to the t3 i never gained weight but i binged maybe 2x a week, this took a toll mentally aswell, i decided enough is enough and dropped the T3 and tren and caber. Once dropping the caber i remember waking up one day and basically having no interest in anything i once did, videogames? Nope, Movies? Nope, the only interest i had was FOOD. I have recently went on a cruise dose of 200mg/test E week and dropped everything else and upped calories to 2400.

My question is; could my Anhedonia be due to prolonged calorie restriction and has anyone experienced this? (possible someone prepping for a show) (keep in mind ive been dieting 20 weeks now and dropped around 8-10kg of Fat) or could it be Cabergoline withdrawals?

Day by day or week by week rather i have seemed to be getting better but im still not at my "peak" mental state i was before my stupid starvation diet. Im thinking maybe my body shut down my senses to feel "pleasure" from external activties because they caused me to exert energy and since im in or "was" in such a deprived state it wanted to keep me as sedentary as possible (thus why i felt like a zombie 24/7)?

Any thoughts? Long Post but would love an answer.

Thanks all!
Bodybuilders in a severe calorie deficit prior to a show are notorious for mood swings, irritability etc... Can't comment on T-3 as you've not mentioned the dose, Caber at 0.5mg 2 X week shouldn't create a huge issue (I personally wouldn't advise use unless showing signs of prolactinoma)... Eat and be happy...!!
Bodybuilders in a severe calorie deficit prior to a show are notorious for mood swings, irritability etc... Can't comment on T-3 as you've not mentioned the dose, Caber at 0.5mg 2 X week shouldn't create a huge issue (I personally wouldn't advise use unless showing signs of prolactinoma)... Eat and be happy...!!

It was pharma grade t3 at 40-60mcg.

I can deal with it temporarily but im just wondering how long till i get "normalized" so to speak.

I do have OCD tendancies so maybe this is contributing lol.
Tren+low food intake makes me an irritable fuck at first then puts me in a state of mind similar to being a machine. The body is also very good at recognizing what it needs, in this case food. Eating food is a rewarding experience, dopamine is released and the body becomes satisfied thus reinforcing the behavior. So it makes sense that your body was deriving extra pleasure from food when in a state of starvation. Maybe liken to using a drug to combat withdrawal symptoms, when all the addict can think of is the drug (food for you). All of this is just my thoughts of the subject without any type of source (though eating food and dopamine/reward pathway is true) so take from it what you will
I'd say the culprit is coming off the Cabergoline/dopamine deficit. Hence the fact that food is the only thing that feels good.
I'd say the culprit is coming off the Cabergoline/dopamine deficit. Hence the fact that food is the only thing that feels good.

I would agree but been off caber for 3 weeks ish now, i feel much better then i did then opposed to now but still not 'there'.

Tren+low food intake makes me an irritable fuck at first then puts me in a state of mind similar to being a machine. The body is also very good at recognizing what it needs, in this case food. Eating food is a rewarding experience, dopamine is released and the body becomes satisfied thus reinforcing the behavior. So it makes sense that your body was deriving extra pleasure from food when in a state of starvation. Maybe liken to using a drug to combat withdrawal symptoms, when all the addict can think of is the drug (food for you). All of this is just my thoughts of the subject without any type of source (though eating food and dopamine/reward pathway is true) so take from it what you will

This is very plausible, i would imagine if i dont binge for long enough then it will dissipate? (not entirely as i am still in a deficit)