  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Did ISIS create Pokeyman Go?


Nov 23, 2014
I think they did! Anybody got any funny ideas for how Pokemon Go could instigate the end of the World?
dude as if Isis has even a kick of the technology savvy to be an outside Devil for Nintendo... I love conspiracy theories but c'mon

my fave Pokemon Go one is that the NSA created it do we could constantly be taking pics inside businesses and of the ppl working inside them

actually 100 % true is that Pokemon allows Google to access all of your data, but the worst is that they sanction a bit if your info to this like GPS corporation?? nixiam corporation or something??
dude as if Isis has even a kick of the technology savvy to be an outside Devil for Nintendo... I love conspiracy theories but c'mon

my fave Pokemon Go one is that the NSA created it do we could constantly be taking pics inside businesses and of the ppl working inside them

actually 100 % true is that Pokemon allows Google to access all of your data, but the worst is that they sanction a bit if your info to this like GPS corporation?? nixiam corporation or something??
Lol, i'm just being absurd ;) I would pay big to see a film, or even better a Broadway play about how Pokemon leads to Armageddon, hehe. I really like the NSA theory :) Thanks Axl
people have been using PokéStops for armed robbery, so I assume were on the verge of a complete collapse of civilization
people have been using PokéStops for armed robbery, so I assume were on the verge of a complete collapse of civilization
Then there's this:

I think Pokemon created Pokemon Go and it's just the first step in their grand reveal to the human race.
^ There have been for ages guys who have seen small monsters everywhere without having a smartphone in their hand so this might be it.

I am still waiting for Cthulhu Go.

So good. i remember this bs like it was yesterday. fuckin idiot kids ftw
I think it was created by collaborating with the major cell carriers to ramp up everyone's data usage. My sis racked up like 300$ in overage charges and her husband cut her line off lol. "Unlimited data" is a conspiracy by itself