• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Dextro- and levo-methamphetamine?

Why do they tell in cases of normal amphetamine, if it's dextro- or not? I mean, if I check up Dexedrine from RxList, it says "dexamphetamine hydrochloride". Why doesn't it say "dexmethamphetamine hydrochloride" in the description of Desoxyn?
Because trade names can contain as much or as little chemical information as the company would like. Like Escitalopram is really S-Citalopram; there are varying levels of specificity.
^what hussness said.

It probably has to do with the order in which the drugs came out in.

For instance, first Company A gets permission to market amphetamine and then Company B comes along and gets to market dexamphetamine (as a 'new' drug).

As for Desoxyn, it is indeed (S)-methamphetamine.
Desoxyn is (S)-N-methyl-amphetamine because the (l)-enantiomer of methamphetamine is worthless as a CNS stimulant and simply adds PNS stimulation.
When people usually have meth, meth that they've bought from the streets in crystal form, is it dextro-, levo- or racemic methamphetamine? People usually just talk about meth, crank and methamphetamine. No one ever says anything about dextro- or levo- forms of methamphetamine. The selegiline topic made me think about it (selegiline metabolizes into l-methamphetamine and l-amphetamine). So, how is it? I'd of course assume that the street meth would be d-meth, but you never know. Just wanted to make sure.

There is also d-Deprenyl, also known as or dextro-N-propargyl-N-methylamphetamine and it metabolises into d-meth and d-amph.

It may or may not be controlled in your country but I believe it to be quite expensive even if you are a registered researcher.

Like other metabolised prodrugs, abuse is much less of a problem.
Idk but if you want levo-meth, look no further than otc levo Vick's inhalers. I prefer racemic.
Well for one the pro-drug usually doesn't have the same effect as the metabolite.

As an example, Deprenyl is an MAO-B inhibitor, not necessarily something you want to be taking large amounts of, that then metabolizes into a dopamine releaser.

And also metabolism takes time. Even if the pro-drug didn't have a negative effect profile compared to the wanted metabolite, it still takes the entire half-life to slowly metabolize (less than)half the pro-drug dose into the wanted drug.

Just imagine that You take a pro drug at 12:00 and by 9:00 p.m. half the dose that you wanted had been slowly infused into your body through metabolism. Not much of a rush and probably hardly any effects.