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Opioids Dexamfetamine and oxycodone - how do they affect each other?


Jul 18, 2023
I have read so many threads on this and the responses vary WILDLY depending on the dosages or timing it seems so I figured I'd just ask again cause the varying information is stressful as hell. Sorry I know it's annoying but I promise I wouldn't have bothered to make an account and post if I hadn't already read what I could find.

Basically I have ADHD and I'm prescribed either 20mg of vyvanse in the morning, or 10mg dexy twice a day. I recently got my hands on x20 5mg oxycodone. I took 10mg two days ago and it was alright, haven't had oxys in YEARS so I wasn't game to take more than 10mg but after the results of that night I figured I'd wait a few days and try 20mg instead.
Fastforward to today, I took the 20mg oxy at the same time as I took my usual 10mg of dexy without thinking, and now I'm worried they'll totally cancel each other out. Some threads say that they will, some say that they go together as like a poor man's speedball. But then a lot of the places that say they go together specifically say that the opiates make the stimulant high better, not the other way around, and I don't really want any sort of amphetamine high. I just want the oxy high. I guess it's too late to do anything about it now but I'd really appreciate any input or anecdotal experiences to keep in mind for future use. Hoping that the fact I took the prescribed dose of dexys and not a recreational dose will mean it's fine. Thank you!!!

P.S I know I could just wait an hour and find out for myself but if people suggest redosing or something I'd like to do that fast because in my experience redosing is a waste.

Additional information that may or may not be relevant: I'm in Australia. I'm currently overweight, 82kg. Have been on a 1000 calorie per day diet for a month and started at 92kg, so not sure how the deficit and weight loss has been affecting my metabolism or if dieting affects drug metabolization at all.
I don't know what the situation is in Australia. ~95% of Oxycodone tablets sold on the street here are Fentanyl or similarly potent Opioids. Not only are these Opioids potent in their own right, the different batches are going to feature a constantly changing potency. Using illicit Opioid pills/tablets/capsules is inherently just as risky as using Fentanyl powder.

Hey @lorlalalor :)

Hopefully we can cut through some of this conjecture you're experiencing. First Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine; Vyvanse) and Oxycodone (Percocet; Oxycontin) do not "cancel each other out". I totally understand how this would be expected considering the former is a central nervous system stimulant and the latter a central nervous system depressant. In some ways, Opioids and Amphetamines do interact though.

Theoretically, a stimulant can keep someone alive through stimulation of the CNS who would've otherwise been dead from respiratory depression. This is a common feature of deaths by "speedball" (Stimulant/Depressant co-administration), in which someone will be kept breathing by the Cocaine, but as the Cocaine is shorter-acting, when it wears off, the Heroin will cause death through respiratory depression. I have to discuss this for the sake of safety and for others reading the thread. This is a fairly extreme scenario. I don't feel it really applies to you or your situation currently though.

There are some noted effects from this combination. One such effect is that stimulants like Dextroamphetamine have been shown to amplify the analgesia of Opioids. I'm not sure where I stand on this one. I feel Amphetamines and stimulants in general have analgesic effects in their own right that are not often discussed. The mechanism is different than an Opioid. I feel like just the release of Dopamine caused by the Amphetamines is enough to distract a person from pain just as it distracts them from sleep, food and hydration.

The short answer to your question is no. These do not cancel each other out. Most users would argue that both substances are more enjoyable than if they had been taken separately. In a recreational sense, they go great together. You get the combined euphoria while the Opioids mitigate whatever negative side effects the stimulant might cause.

You're using everything in a fairly responsible way. There's nothing inherently bad here. I don't want you to end up addicted to Opioids though. Tread really lightly with that one. It's pretty easy to say "man, that combination felt good, let's start doing this every time".
I don't know what the situation is in Australia. ~95% of Oxycodone tablets sold on the street here are Fentanyl or similarly potent Opioids. Not only are these Opioids potent in their own right, the different batches are going to feature a constantly changing potency. Using illicit Opioid pills/tablets/capsules is inherently just as risky as using Fentanyl powder.

Hey @lorlalalor :)

Hopefully we can cut through some of this conjecture you're experiencing. First Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine; Vyvanse) and Oxycodone (Percocet; Oxycontin) do not "cancel each other out". I totally understand how this would be expected considering the former is a central nervous system stimulant and the latter a central nervous system depressant. In some ways, Opioids and Amphetamines do interact though.

Theoretically, a stimulant can keep someone alive through stimulation of the CNS who would've otherwise been dead from respiratory depression. This is a common feature of deaths by "speedball" (Stimulant/Depressant co-administration), in which someone will be kept breathing by the Cocaine, but as the Cocaine is shorter-acting, when it wears off, the Heroin will cause death through respiratory depression. I have to discuss this for the sake of safety and for others reading the thread. This is a fairly extreme scenario. I don't feel it really applies to you or your situation currently though.

There are some noted effects from this combination. One such effect is that stimulants like Dextroamphetamine have been shown to amplify the analgesia of Opioids. I'm not sure where I stand on this one. I feel Amphetamines and stimulants in general have analgesic effects in their own right that are not often discussed. The mechanism is different than an Opioid. I feel like just the release of Dopamine caused by the Amphetamines is enough to distract a person from pain just as it distracts them from sleep, food and hydration.

The short answer to your question is no. These do not cancel each other out. Most users would argue that both substances are more enjoyable than if they had been taken separately. In a recreational sense, they go great together. You get the combined euphoria while the Opioids mitigate whatever negative side effects the stimulant might cause.

You're using everything in a fairly responsible way. There's nothing inherently bad here. I don't want you to end up addicted to Opioids though. Tread really lightly with that one. It's pretty easy to say "man, that combination felt good, let's start doing this every time".
I'm also not 100% familiar with the situation in the US but I didn't buy these on the street or anything, they were prescribed and they're just generic-brand oxycodone hydrochloride 5mg tablets still in the blister pack, so I (unfortunately) doubt they're any stronger than what the packet says. If anything they'll be less strong cause they're actually 2 years old now haha. Although I've had 10 year old endone before that worked just fine so idk.

Hey thank you for getting back to me! Yeah all of what you said makes sense to me in hindsight, and I agree with what you say about the analgesic effects of stimulants. As someone who relies on dexy to achieve normal levels dopamine I can totally see how taking it recreationally would act as a painkiller even if not intended, just from the dopamine boost alone.

As an update/report if anyone comes across this later, my experience was that I didn't feel like the small amount of dexy had much of an effect on the high especially since I've got a tolerance. At best it did what it normally does ie help me focus and motivate me, which I suppose is technically good to at least stop me from ruining the oxy high by spending an hour standing in a doorframe forgetting where I was going. But I am wondering if the combo had anything to do with this weird dizzy feeling I kept getting after everything had worn off. My peak was maybe an hour or two in and after peaking it came down really fast, but then for the next 6 hours I would get random vibrating/dizzy/weak flashes through my body (like how I imagine video game characters feel when they flash red and their sprite goes wavy). Still have no idea what that was or why it happened but it's fine now? Maybe (probably) I just need to drink more water lol.
In conclusion they're fine together but I didn't personally notice at this dosage that the dexy made the high better or anything, just thankfully not worse/too different. So next time I'm probably just gonna skip taking my meds that day at least for the sake of knowing exactly what's affecting what parts of me.

But yeah thank you so much for the info! And no worries I also don't want to get addicted! Opioids are really unpopular here at least in my city, they're too hard to find regularly on the street or I probably would've gotten addicted years ago, luckily as it stands I only seem to get my hands on them once every couple of years, usually because a friend realises they got prescribed some for xyz (so far we've had scoliosis, an abortion, and a kidney operation) and never took them so "hey do you want it?" and I try not to sound too excited when I say "sure why not?"