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Day 19 Valium , tramadol free

Dec 8, 2019
I got sick and tired of benzo withdrawal while doing a fast taper and dropped the last 5 mg to 0 and 75 mg tramadol to 0. I still have that numb feeling in my head , the blurred vision is gone ( felt much better when I crossed the 2 week mark, does anyone know how long it’ll takes to feel totally normal, I’m hoping it’ll be by the end of a months time... Thanks everyone for your info in getting me to this point
It depends how long and how much have u been using. Then there is that true cliché "everybody is different". And then we come to unpredictability of benzodiazepine withdrawal. I wrote all this just to conclude - it's unpredictable.

Tramadol part should be over by now or very soon.

I wish you all the luck!
It depends how long and how much have u been using. Then there is that true cliché "everybody is different". And then we come to unpredictability of benzodiazepine withdrawal. I wrote all this just to conclude - it's unpredictable.

Tramadol part should be over by now or very soon.

I wish you all the luck!
The Valium has been from March, the most I was using was 40 mags a day but started cutting back a few months ago, going from 40 to 15 msg was easy , the rest of it was pretty bad , I had to go to smalls doses twice a day to help the withdraw timeline , I was still sick 50% of the time with the taper so I just said screw it and quit just to help get it overwith
Well it's not extremely long so I don't expect prolog withdrawals. But benzos are tricky to call and I think you will be baseline within 3-6 months. You could be feeling almost like before in one month, but I would count on some smaller issues to linger for few months.

There is a chance that you will not even attribute them to benzo withdrawal and that would be a good thing in a way. Try not to look every bad sensation as a symptom of a benzo withdrawal and you will have much easier tome. Benzos are tricky to prognose and I hope you heal quickly. Congratulations for all that you already did! Take care! :)
Well it's not extremely long so I don't expect prolog withdrawals. But benzos are tricky to call and I think you will be baseline within 3-6 months. You could be feeling almost like before in one month, but I would count on some smaller issues to linger for few months.

There is a chance that you will not even attribute them to benzo withdrawal and that would be a good thing in a way. Try not to look every bad sensation as a symptom of a benzo withdrawal and you will have much easier tome. Benzos are tricky to prognose and I hope you heal quickly. Congratulations for all that you already did! Take care! :)
Thank you for the info, very encouraging 👍👍