Desperate Daunting(very recent) Crystal Meth Experience (overdose??)


Feb 15, 2014
Hi there everyone and very happy new year to anyone willing to see and read as I am searching for some answers.

I am desperately in need of some help here and am hoping that someone could guide my mind towards some sense of peace.
Now just to throw it out there I had made an account on BlueLight way back in Feb of 2014 to which I had forgotten about
entirely and it was because of a harrowing experience I had the year before in the summer of 2013 with Ecstacy quadstacks a friend had brought over to the apartment at some point while I was staying there.
Now this post has nothing to do with said past experience with ecstacy just to clarify.

Okay so beginning around November 16th or 17th of this past year I had gone over to a friends house of whom I have not seen in quite a long time just to hang out and reconnect and such.
As soon as I walked in the door I notice him and his girlfriend started smoking something out of a small water bong which I soon realized was crystal meth.

Over the holidays I was going through a very tough time with depression and isolation, really just deep emotional personal problems I have been dealing with for a long time.
Eventually the peer pressure became too much to resist and I took a couple small hits. This was my very first time getting high off the shit and it reminded me a little of cocaine and the ecstasy I took several years ago but its strange how this weird thing creeps up on you. I ended up going back there a second time and smoking a
little here and there, stayed up for a couple days straight and haven't seen him since around late December.
Around the night of december 30th is where I possibly screwed up but to what extent I don't know.

After coming back home from a restaurant with my aunt and uncle that night for some stupid reason I made the outrageously dumb decision to walk off down the street to look for some crystal chalk because I had met some homeless guy two months before who uses it and could help me get some.

Long story short I ended up acquiring a small amount(less than a gram) and was smoking a little here and there off some foil that night while walking back to my apartment.
I felt the effects and everything from that night until the next morning and I was up for a good while after that.
Either on the 2nd or 3rd of january I was sitting in my folks house watching Tv and I took a piss ant sized amount and put it under my tongue to dissolve.
I assumed I lost track with how much was in my system at some point obviously because I was pretty zooted otherwise I wouldn't have made such a clearly unwise decision to keep redosing.

It wasn't until the morning of january 4th around 5 or 6 o'clock I started noticing I was breathing fast and also couldn't breathe as normally as I usually can and my chest began feeling weird and tight.
I was just starting to come down from the majority of the high and couldn't figure out whether or not I was at the start of a heart attack or arrythmia or something else, OR if I was just having a horrible panic attack.

I ended up not sleeping the entire day afterwards because I was too afraid I would fall asleep, stop breathing and have a heart attack in my sleep or something. It wasn't until night time I decided to go to the hospital so I had
a friend call the ambulance and went to the ER.
I tried to explain to the guy in the ambulance what I had been doing over the last few days
or so and how much I was using which if I can recall was not even close to what most would call a large heroic amount or overdose status.
I tried telling him I had been having difficulty breathing normally and there was pressure or tightess in my chest.

At the hospital they gave me some aspirin medication, did a ecg(ekg) and chest X-ray and also took blood sample and they discharged me because apparently there was nothing severe or physical damage or anything.
I couldn't find a ride back home so I stayed the night in the waiting room.
I had my brother a couple days later take me to a physician and he did another ecg and gave me a shot of tordal or whatever it was for pain then referred me to a specialist.
It has been a little over a week now and my breathing still feels a little messed up but there is very little to no chest pain/discomfort anymore thank God.

My chest still feels a bit weird though its almost like this panicky/tickley irritating feeling that is hard to explain.
Has anyone else been through something similar after messing around with the chalk?
Is there a possibility of healing and that my breathing will stabilize over time as the drug leaves my system?
Should I go to a cardiologist or other specialist to determine the cause of my symptoms?
Please tell me someone there is still hope and that there is some things I can do to relieve myself of this craziness.
Thank you and God Bless!!
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I think you need to to just sober up and chill out a minute. If you've had ekg and several doctors check you that say you're fine you should take their word for it.

After so many years of drug abuse I have similar reactions to random drugs.

When is the last time you've gone long term without stimulants?

When is the last time you've gotten some good regular exercise?
I think you need to to just sober up and chill out a minute. If you've had ekg and several doctors check you that say you're fine you should take their word for it.

After so many years of drug abuse I have similar reactions to random drugs.

When is the last time you've gone long term without stimulants?

When is the last time you've gotten some good regular exercise?
Heyy bro thanks for the response at least someone had the caring willingness to reply:)

So to answer your question I hadn't used any stimulants for several years (like 8-9 year) up until this recent incident. I've noticed though its like I can't figure out if it's lung related or a problem with my cardio function. It feels like I strained my heart muscles or lungs or something. I like to sing a lot and now it feels like its a bit harder to exert enough effort to sing or laugh. I do need to try to go walking more often for exercise. Would some physical therapy may help?
My brother is taking me to see a specialist here in a few days but my overall concern is that I never got to the hospital quick enough to counter any potential harmful effects of the overamping. Maybe I didn't realise I was overdosing a little bit and started having weird symptoms that I just rode out.

I mean I never vomited or had severe convulsions/coma or loss of consciousness or anything like that but a little later on after I began experiencing this weird breathing issue I realised I may have accidentally went too hard. But in the past when I was 20(now 29) I did have a pretty gnarly panic attack after taking a bit more ecstasy/mdma than my body could handle.
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After 20 years of drugs and alcoholism I have so many weird issues. I constantly have random chest pains, tightness, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, odd tingling sensations, etc.

Doctors say I'm fine. When I stop using or drinking, get some exercise and treat my body right for a bit all that stuff mostly goes away. I have mild hypochondria and significant anxiety, so I know what it's like to worry about that stuff.

For example, I once had constant burning pain and tightness on the left side of my chest that got progressively worse over a few weeks. I was convinced I had cancer (my father had tumors in that spot), or something wrong with my lung, or heart damage, or some disease... when I finally went to the doctor it turns out it was just inflammation and muscle spams caused by alcohol. Went away almost immediately and never came back when they gave me meds for it.

But you're young, it's incredibly unlikely you've caused any permanent damage or anything. Constantly worrying about it isn't healthy for the mind and can precipitate all sorts of psychosomatic symptoms.

A lot of these issues can be fixed by a healthy lifestyle. I can't recommend aerobic exercise enough. It repairs drug related damage and strengthens the heart and lungs ( and brain, and the whole body).

Take care :)
When you overamp on meth you'll know if, and when you over*dose* on meth you'll know it, because you'll probably be dead.

Overamping and overdosing are different. For example, I've overamped many times in my life. A couple are the physical type, where immediately after or as a result of injecting, I became extremely confused and unable to think properly. It's an odd feeling. You don't get any of the normal high euphoria, just disorientation. I also started to feel that, as i said, started to tremble over my whole body like I was shaking from the cold, and I even felt cold even though it was pretty warm and my AC nor my fan was on. I walked to the mirror to check my pupils as the first time I overamped when I was drenched in sweat plus the shaking and disorientation, plus the 'curled up in the bottom of my shower under cold water having the world's longest panic attack thinking I was gonna do' my pupils were the entire size of my iris. They weren't as big this time but when I was walking my coordination was off. My sensory issues were also even more heightened. I could *feel* my senses, all of them.

The first time this happened, Christmas 2019 I had no help and didn't know what exactly it was. The second time, I got on the discord and made a ticket and got some help. I was heavily psychotic the next day and it was a result of getting a batch after using a couple of days in I think March when I was still using more heavily so twice a week or so.

The most recent time it happened I felt really uncomfortable, and my pupils got huge again. Thankfully I prevented myself from completely overamping baby wasting $50-$75 worth of drugs still in the needle, by injecting so slowly the rest hit me before I finished so I took it out.

The other form of overamping is when you have a paradoxical reaction to meth and you basically get tired and fall asleep after using it.

OverDOSING is different. You need immediate medical attention. This is what would have occured should I have used the amount I used up untill recently, the first night. It's too much in onto hit.

OverAMPING is 'did one hit too much, not enough sleep, not enough food, bad environment'

There's also mental overamping when you get severe anxiety and paranoid. I've not had the paranoia as I live and use alone.

Every time after I have overamped physically I have been fine. Twice I was psychotic.

Edit: fell asleep and posted, thanks narcolepsy, had to fix my post.
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When you overamp on meth you'll know if, and when you over*dose* on meth you'll know it, because you'll probably be dead.

Overamping and overdosing are different. For example, I've overamped many times in my life. A couple are the physical type, where immediately after or as a result of injecting, I became extremely confused and unable to think properly. It's an odd feeling. You don't get any of the normal high euphoria, just disorientation. I also started to feel that, as i said, started to tremble over my whole body like I was shaking from the cold, and I even felt cold even though it was pretty warm and my AC nor my fan was on. I walked to the mirror to check my pupils as the first time I overamped when I was drenched in sweat plus the shaking and disorientation, plus the 'curled up in the bottom of my shower under cold water having the world's longest panic attack thinking I was gonna do' my pupils were the entire size of my iris. They weren't as big this time but when I was walking my coordination was off. My sensory issues were also even more heightened. I could *feel* my senses, all of them.

The first time this happened, Christmas 2019 I had no help and didn't know what exactly it was. The second time, I got on the discord and made a ticket and got some help. I was heavily psychotic the next day and it was a result of getting a batch after using a couple of days in I think March when I was still using more heavily so twice a week or so.

The most recent time it happened I felt really uncomfortable, and my pupils got huge again. Thankfully I prevented myself from completely overamping baby wasting $50-$75 worth of drugs still in the needle, by injecting so slowly the rest hit me before I finished so I took it out.

The other form of overamping is when you have a paradoxical reaction to meth and you basically get tired and fall asleep after using it.

OverDOSING is different. You need immediate medical attention. This is what would have occured should I have used the amount I used up untill recently, the first night. It's too much in onto hit.

OverAMPING is 'did one hit too much, not enough sleep, not enough food, bad environment'

There's also mental overamping when you get severe anxiety and paranoid. I've not had the paranoia as I live and use alone.

Every time after I have overamped physically I have been fine. Twice I was psychotic.

Edit: fell asleep and posted, thanks narcolepsy, had to fix my post.
When you overamp on meth you'll know if, and when you over*dose* on meth you'll know it, because you'll probably be dead.

Overamping and overdosing are different. For example, I've overamped many times in my life. A couple are the physical type, where immediately after or as a result of injecting, I became extremely confused and unable to think properly. It's an odd feeling. You don't get any of the normal high euphoria, just disorientation. I also started to feel that, as i said, started to tremble over my whole body like I was shaking from the cold, and I even felt cold even though it was pretty warm and my AC nor my fan was on. I walked to the mirror to check my pupils as the first time I overamped when I was drenched in sweat plus the shaking and disorientation, plus the 'curled up in the bottom of my shower under cold water having the world's longest panic attack thinking I was gonna do' my pupils were the entire size of my iris. They weren't as big this time but when I was walking my coordination was off. My sensory issues were also even more heightened. I could *feel* my senses, all of them.

The first time this happened, Christmas 2019 I had no help and didn't know what exactly it was. The second time, I got on the discord and made a ticket and got some help. I was heavily psychotic the next day and it was a result of getting a batch after using a couple of days in I think March when I was still using more heavily so twice a week or so.

The most recent time it happened I felt really uncomfortable, and my pupils got huge again. Thankfully I prevented myself from completely overamping baby wasting $50-$75 worth of drugs still in the needle, by injecting so slowly the rest hit me before I finished so I took it out.

The other form of overamping is when you have a paradoxical reaction to meth and you basically get tired and fall asleep after using it.

OverDOSING is different. You need immediate medical attention. This is what would have occured should I have used the amount I used up untill recently, the first night. It's too much in onto hit.

OverAMPING is 'did one hit too much, not enough sleep, not enough food, bad environment'

There's also mental overamping when you get severe anxiety and paranoid. I've not had the paranoia as I live and use alone.

Every time after I have overamped physically I have been fine. Twice I was psychotic.

Edit: fell asleep and posted, thanks narcolepsy, had to fix my post.
Woah... sounds rough daugh,
I'm sitting over here in my apartmetnt dreaming and wishing i could've just avoided it all together and chose the blue pill lmao.
Now at least three times a week i keep hearing in background of my mind a hidden stream of that song by Human League from an unknown source I guess because im only human and i was born to make mistakes???
But man honestly at the end of the day, you know I guess shit happens and time heals like Snafu mentioned above. Though hey man pretty interesting fairly recent experiences you went through, some relevant and helpful descriptions of a unique perspective from personal use.

Had to go to see a cardiologist the other day and didn't know whether I should say anything about what i had taken or how much so it was uncertain, but anyhow I ended up telling the doctor and later asked about certain medications to treat a mild drug induced cardiotoxicity and the symptoms I am having. She shook her head and said she doesn't know anything specific i could be given, though I didn;t believe was really a straight forward answer. It was probably not a good idea to mention the meth at all but as I said it was a rock and a hard place.

You know the meth is a sneaky bastard I failed to realize it has the strength of a thunder mammoth. I just keep wondering why its been a bit over two weeks and i still feel like I got struck by a mini bolt of lightning or something, it almost feels like an "overexcited" energy build up right in between my chest and upper stoimach region but I think my breathing might be stabilizing very slowly back to normal though its still hard to tell right now.
Reckon the worst has passed so now off to cross the rainbow bridge of pure faith and hope.......

Stay loaded and floated,
Peace & Blessings
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