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Benzos Dairy reducing the absorption of Benzos (please answer ASAP, panicking)


Apr 29, 2018
Just woke up to an anxiety attack. Had a glass of (strawberry) milk as it sometimes helps me with nausea. Then remembered you're not supposed to drink milk (or any dairy, really) as it reduces the absorption oral tranquilisers. I need to to take an Alprazolam (Xanax), will it still work? And if I take it sublingually will that stop the milk from having an effect?
Does dairy reduce the effectiveness of xanax? I had always heard that there was not a measurable difference between taking it on an empty stomach or with a high fat meal, this paper seems to say the same:


If there is something specific to dairy I doubt 8 ounces of milk is going to seriously reduce the effectiveness - I dont think these drugs would be as popular to prescribe as they are if a cup of milk ruined their effectiveness.

And yeah if you take it sublingually I bet it will work fine.

Sublingual did work fine, thanks. Feel so much better!

I went ahunting on google and you're right. That article(s) I've read where that you can't use it while BREASTFEEDING as enough to can on to the baby to give it withdrawal seizures later.
I would think that the lipids in milk would only help a very non water soluble drug like a benzo that isn't well soluble in water absorb into the lipid layers of epitheliym in your gut.

Milk fats would basically provide a vehicle in which the benzo is slightly more soluble than water where the benzo could dissolve and into the liquid amd also absorb faster through the lipid (fatty oily etc) wall of the gut

All based on the "like dissolves like" principles of solubility in chemistry

This is why when I sublingual a benzo put a few drops of high concentration alcohol under my tongue...becsuse alcohol is more fatty (non polar) chemically speaking than water...so just like milk fats...it would help dissolve the beznzo dissolve from a solid amd help it dissolve through your cell layers.

But milk is almost all water so it won't make a difference probably. Also the fats in milk would be too non polar if u used them in a purified state. Alcohol is at the right balance of being soluble with water but more non polar than water to display this benefit with absorption.
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Just woke up to an anxiety attack. Had a glass of (strawberry) milk as it sometimes helps me with nausea. Then remembered you're not supposed to drink milk (or any dairy, really) as it reduces the absorption oral tranquilisers. I need to to take an Alprazolam (Xanax), will it still work? And if I take it sublingually will that stop the milk from having an effect?
I have never heard of Dairy products reducing the effectiveness of benzodiazepines....just FYI, I absolutely cannot stand the taste of Propylene Glycol (which is the medium of choice for my Etizolam) and I usually have a glass of milk (chocolate if we have it) to wash it down as I find milk is pretty good at masking the taste of the PG solution.
Never ever noticed any difference in effects when I take it with milk.
Now, benzodiazepines cN most definitely cause rebound anxiety which is why they are NEVER a solution just a temporary band aid for such problems.
I would think that the lipids in milk would only help a very non water soluble drug like a benzo that isn't well soluble in water absorb into the lipid layers of epitheliym in your gut.

Milk fats would basically provide a vehicle in which the benzo is slightly more soluble than water where the benzo could dissolve and into the liquid amd also absorb faster through the lipid (fatty oily etc) wall of the gut

All based on the "like dissolves like" principles of solubility in chemistry

This is why when I sublingual a benzo put a few drops of high concentration alcohol under my tongue...becsuse alcohol is more fatty (non polar) chemically speaking than water...so just like milk fats...it would help dissolve the beznzo dissolve from a solid amd help it dissolve through your cell layers.

But milk is almost all water so it won't make a difference probably. Also the fats in milk would be too non polar if u used them in a purified state. Alcohol is at the right balance of being soluble with water but more non polar than water to display this benefit with absorption.

Thanks for the info! Glad to know milk is fine!
Unfortunately I can't use alcohol, though (don't drink at all, used to be a very bad alcoholic, don't even keep mouthwash or alcoholic hand handitizer in the house).
I have never heard of Dairy products reducing the effectiveness of benzodiazepines....just FYI, I absolutely cannot stand the taste of Propylene Glycol (which is the medium of choice for my Etizolam) and I usually have a glass of milk (chocolate if we have it) to wash it down as I find milk is pretty good at masking the taste of the PG solution.
Never ever noticed any difference in effects when I take it with milk.
Now, benzodiazepines cN most definitely cause rebound anxiety which is why they are NEVER a solution just a temporary band aid for such problems.

Yeah, I was addicted to benzo's for a while a few years back (like, withdrawal seizures etc) and didn't use any for a couple years. Started again about 18 months ago because I do suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, but like you said I don't use high doses or use them every day so I don't end up physically dependant on them. I try and use the short-intermediate acting one's too as with longer-acting ones like Diazepam or Flurazepam where even if you only take it once a day it's still gonna be in your system all of the time.
Thanks for the info! Glad to know milk is fine!
Unfortunately I can't use alcohol, though (don't drink at all, used to be a very bad alcoholic, don't even keep mouthwash or alcoholic hand handitizer in the house).
You can also scrape your sublingual region with a hard toothbrush.

Even to where it almost bleeds a little. This will remove surface layers of cells blocking access to blood vessels so that the benzo has less tissue to penetrate before absorbing into a blood vessel
You can also scrape your sublingual region with a hard toothbrush.

Even to where it almost bleeds a little. This will remove surface layers of cells blocking access to blood vessels so that the benzo has less tissue to penetrate before absorbing into a blood vessel

And a faster way to get heroin to penetrate the blood brain barrier is to shove a hypodermic through the corner of your eye and squirt it directly into the brain.
And a faster way to get heroin to penetrate the blood brain barrier is to shove a hypodermic through the corner of your eye and squirt it directly into the brain.
I prefer connecting the needle to a carbon nanotube which directly deposits molecules of heroin in single file line directly into the mu receptor. Just bypass the circulatory system altogether
I have always been aware that it has been said that dairy slows absorption of drugs in the stomach. Milk and cream coat the stomach so I can see that logic. But other than slowing it down I don’t think it affects absorption much more than that. Sort of like the same thing with a full stomach.

However I learned something new at BL every day. Brushing under the tongue even to the point of a little blood seems like a very logical way for sublingual to work much better.