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Cross Tolerance of 5-meo-mipt and Eth-LAD


Feb 3, 2017
The normal response is a week between trips, but if one were to take 5-meo-MIPT 2-3 days after an ETH-LAD experience how much tolerance should one expect? Can this be counteracted by more of the Mipt?
There will be cross tolerance, but the two drugs have fairly different receptor binding/agonizing profiles, so there will be less tolerance than if you were to do the same drug 2-3 days apart. You can counteract the tolerance by taking a bit more of the 5-MeO-MIPT, or else just accepting that it will be a milder trip and being ok with that.

I find the two drugs to be really different from each other, so I think they're a good pick for dosing so close together, if you "need" to do that.
Thanks for the advice-I forgot to follow up with this. It was all in all a great experience. So far my only Moxy experience has been in the mellow 5-6 mg range. A volumetric dose was administered that was around 10 mg-great euphoria and a head space at times that reminded me of my AMT experiences close to 15 years ago (before WebTryp). I suspect the visuals would have been more prevalent had it been a tolerance free voyage. The head buzzing I get from DMT was there. What fascinated me most about this compound was the extreme concentration it would give me, actually wish that I could find a nootropic that could go this deep.
I'm glad you came back to follow up. I think I've only taken 5-MeO-MiPT up to about 7mg, but I didn't find it to be visual at all. I suspect the lack of visuals was not because of your tolerance from the ETH-LAD, but just cause it's not really one of the effects of 5-MeO-MiPT. Although, because ETH-LAD is a pretty visual psychedelic, tolerance from that would have diminished any small visual aspect of the 5-MeO-MiPT that does exist.

I found 5-MeO-MiPT to be pretty good for microdosing, you might find it to be useful to try that as a "nootropic". I think I used it around the 1mg range a few times. It's a bit wiring and energetic, and focusing like you said, so it seemed to work well. I'm cautious to get chronic with microdosing this one tho, not confident about health implications - it's a lot more experimental than LSD for example.