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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television Criss Angel: Mindfreak

The one this week looks stupid as hell....

....he's doing one of the those contest things where you gotta match the right key to the right car.... Can anyone say "rigged"?
What does everyone think of this show? Personally, I think he's doing some interesting and original stuff, but I have the feeling at the back of my mind that it's all staged for television (i.e. the levitation, to which they gave the impression that his levitation is magical in nature - give me a break). Some of his tricks are just too out there, if you know what I mean. Fun entertainment, but I don't think there's anything supernatural going on, like Criss himself implies. It appears to me like there's some fancy camerawork and hidden stuff going on that was edited out of the show. But, eh, I'm skeptical by nature. I'd like to see him try and pull this stuff off live (I really wonder if he even can).

yes, what do you think now, bump'd up from 5 years... im surprized there where so few post with "mindfreak" in them, i'd judged you all wrong. i cant wait until im really old and we figure out how he does it, also, i want to overhear some young whipper-snappers talkin' 'bout a drug im not familiar with... then i'll know...
I think he puts on a TV show and he's good at making it lively and entertaining. Is he good live? I neither know nor care. He's good at what he does IMO.
there's this show, "magic's biggest secrets finally revealed." watch a few episodes of it and you'll see how he pulls off a lot of the shit. some of it is staged just for tv, like walking on water -- all the people in the pool were paid to act shocked and surprised, and fancy camera angles are used to prevent you from seeing the platform on which he's walking.
so it's fake.. thanks guy i always thought it was real and my brother would always tell me it's fakee but I guess you guys are right.
of course its fake , he is an illusionist some of the stuff he does might be real like the suspension and sort but 99% completely fake including the audiences , just check it on you tube.