• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Crazy guy threatened me?


Jun 3, 2016
Hi guys, I just want to start off by saying I'm 18 and have had a lot of issues in the past with drugs, anger and deal with anxiety. Today I was driving to my house after I left the store near me. Im typically a fast driver but not a "so fast I'll kill myself or someone else" kind of driver.

I was driving on a back road going maybe about 30mph? Sure it was a bit speedy but these back roads are often very quiet with not much activity going on. I drove past these workers that were doing some yard work at house and as I drove past them, one of the guys who seemed to be in his early 30s or so attempted to run in front of my car carrying a SHOVEL.

Now I don't know what he was trying to do if he was focused on me or was just acting plain stupid but I drove a bit further and stopped to look back at them in my mirror to see for whatever reason if they were aimed to tell me something or do something they shouldn't and sure enough, they were both staring at me from the yard. Now I don't like when things like this happen because I tend to say or do things I regret in the future and act on impulse and for the moment so I drove around the block so I could pass these fools and tell them something or see what they wanted from me.

I drove again, and this time they seem to move extremely fast and the guy with shovel comes up to my window looking PISSED. I tried my best to stay calm because, a guy with a shovel could easily hurt me or my car, I'm not a very big guy myself. He told me im fucking crazy and there's kids on this block and I need to slow the fuck down and not do any little burnouts (I didn't even do a burnout lol). I give him a nod, even though I wanna go completely off on him. He says this, "if you drive off fast again I'll hit your car with the shovel and pull you right out of that driver seat so fast".

This got me real real pissed. Who in their right mindset says this to a total stranger who is only 18, I don't even look much older than that! I said ok to him and proceeded to get far enough where I know he couldn't do anything to me or my car, and again I stopped up the hill, curse him out and yell out my window and next thing I see his him carrying the shovel, SPRINTING to my car! I feel like he's crazy enough to start whacking my car so I don't wait a second and speed off, FAST. That was the end of it. Or at least I hope.

What should I do about something like this? In my mind I wanna get back at them in some damaging way but I can't think like this. I don't know what to do and it's really on my mind.
Stop speeding in built up areas or someone bigger than you will pull you out of your car and give you a beating.

As you said, that street is quiet and usually they don't have a lot of traffic. He is correct it is dangerous and you will kill someone
Today I was driving to my house after I left the store near me.

I stopped up the hill, curse him out and yell out my window and next thing I see his him carrying the shovel, SPRINTING to my car! I feel like he's crazy enough to start whacking my car so I don't wait a second and speed off, FAST. That was the end of it. Or at least I hope.

In my mind I wanna get back at them in some damaging way but I can't think like this. I don't know what to do and it's really on my mind.

There's a commonly known phrase: "Don't shit where you eat" - I think it applies in your situation.

There is nothing to be gained from pursuing this further, if you were speeding then this man is justified in telling you not to do it over concern for children around. You need to be objective about this. You were driving fast and this man told you to stop.. perhaps the manner in which he did it was not the best but apart from you feeling threatened you have no argument or case against him and no reason to warrant making it worse. (Especially if you live near-by)
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Hm, you were in the wrong by speeding. He was in the wrong by threatening you. Ever hear two wrongs don't make a right? Leave it alone.
Hm, you were in the wrong by speeding. He was in the wrong by threatening you. Ever hear two wrongs don't make a right? Leave it alone.
Thought about this and you're right, we were both in the wrong. I'm gonna take your advice and just leave it alone.