  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Counter Strike:Global Offensive Beta Begging


Dec 16, 2009
Basically I've seen that people who already have access to the beta get invites for their friends.

Thought I'd set up a thread for people to give away unwanted ones and for other people to beg for one. Its probably better to PM them around rather than post em so they ain't just sitting in public view.

Please send me one =]
As a huge fan of CS:S back in the day, I'm really looking forward to trying this. It's gonna be available on Xbox 360, yes? I hope so...my computer can't run anything up to date anymore.
Yep, and PC players can play against you. Needless to say the AWP is likely to get nerfed, no one can aim as fast/good with a shitty joystick compared to a low sens mouse and 40x40cm of mousemat.

There's gonna be lots of shouts of "hacker" too especially with the shoot-throughable walls, I used to be able to guess where someones head would be after they went round a corner and kill em straight through the wall!
I reeeeeeally don't like the idea of PC players being able to play against Console players. Hopefully they figure that shit out though...

Hope they find a way to get Zombie Mod back in there, use to play that alllll the time back in the day!
I reeeeeeally don't like the idea of PC players being able to play against Console players. Hopefully they figure that shit out though...

Hope they find a way to get Zombie Mod back in there, use to play that alllll the time back in the day!

Yeah they're including some mods as default gametypes, for example gungame will now be called Arsenal mode and theyre working with GG's original developer.

Probably autoaim/aim assist for console players. Also PS3 players will be able to use keyboard/mouse! Not sure how it'll fit in with xbox live though.

CS is about aiming precision, lightning reflexes and dieing in 2-3 shots, not something that really works with joysticks.
Also cant really see surf working on joysticks.
It's one of those typical "Play for 1 hour and then go back to the original" type deals.

People who think CS was still fun after 1.5 are delusional. Everything has been watered down for casuals.
Yeah 1.5 definitely was the pinnacle in my mind (maybe just cause that's what was out when I started ;) ). I don't think this computer can run anything past 1.6 though, makes me sad. 1.6 still beats the hell out of Source though.
Oh yeah 1.5 was sick, except for the bunnyhop bug that allowed highskill strafejumpers to FLY around to map! (not that im complaining, I was one of em :p)
1.3 and 1.5 were the shit. 1.6 was better than source.. but who knows this one could be good. gotta think positive =]
1.3 and 1.5 were the shit. 1.6 was better than source.. but who knows this one could be good. gotta think positive =]

It'll be easier atleast with all the people playing with shitty analogue sticks.
Hey, anyone that plays 1.6 still add me on steam, scrubbysniff

Also post your steamname for sick ownage.
well i decided to revive this old thread because the game is coming out in six days. I preordered it and got access to the new beta and i have to say it is quite fucking awesome. The gameplay is so fast compared to bf3 and the graphics are a big improvement over source. It definitely feels more like cs 1.6 than source which is a good thing imo.

The maps look great and have new additions to make the game more balanced. I am extremely happy with it and it only cost 13 dollars. Totally worth it. It also runs veryyyy smooth and lag free. I hope this can revive CS as i spent about 7-8 years of my youth playing this game non stop.

I'm surprised at how fast and full of action the gameplay is i guess i have just gotten used to battlefield 3. Everyone go play it and tell me what you think.
My school is giving me a new laptop in September, which is going to be the only computer I'll have access to. I'm hoping it'll be able to run CS:GO, or else I'll be stuck on empty-ass CS:S servers. :/

Probably just as well that I focus on my schoolwork, instead of gaming, though. :D
I fucjing loved source its by far mmy favorite game of all time

If i can successfully stay off heroin im building a new computer... primarily just for counterstrike :D
I fucking loved 2 surf, was so majestic at it,


this is the shittttt

the mouse is the most important tool when surfing..

like does this shit look fun or what?