Scared Corona and detoxing in a sober house


Feb 14, 2019
I’m just kinda angry right now and I’d rather write it here than flip the fuck out on the staff.

I came into a sober house where some clients had recent exposure to COViD.

3 days later, a kid tested positive and the whole house is sick and on lockdown.

The other night I had pins and needles in my whole back, covered in cold sweats numb feet and my heart hurt. My breaths are short and it’s hard to use my lung capacity.

I blamed all of this shit on Detoxing from methadone / subutex, Valium, and temazepam.

But now I can’t differentiate the difference between what’s me detoxing and what’s me fighting Corona.

I’m fucking angry man. I’m trying to get off the worst drug habit of my life and 3 days in I get hit with a virus that hasn’t effected me all fucking year. I been hitting restaurants and bars hardly wore a mask, really wasn’t afraid of this shit in the least.

But 3 days sober I get hit like a fucking rock wall.

I took a small piece of sub the other day and some symptoms cleared but most stayed.

My main symptom seems to be trouble sleeping, cold/ numbness, sweating. I have no fever or cough and I smoke which is what’s odd. I usually get bronchitis but I have no cough at all.

Corona is an odd virus. Don’t take it as a joke.

The staff shoulda fucking told me this shit was happening before I walked in the door. To expose someone detoxing from methadone is fucked up. I shouldn’t have signed shit on my intake until I make it through this.

I get it treatment and sobriety can’t just stop cause of Corona but fuck man. They knew I was coming in off 110 mg of methadone and I’m sure my lab tests which were released showed huge amounts of fentanyl and benzos in my system. As well as other drugs.

I guess this is God telling me kid youre gonna get what you’ve always got if you keep this shit up. But next time you’ll be in the dirt 6 feet deep dead.
I’ve come off methadone years ago and I have covid now.
I think if I had both at same time the methadone Wds would outweighed the covid to the point I wouldn’t even notice the covid. If that makes sense.
People get covid more severe than others though.
You should've at least thought about some basic measures such as your own set of forks/clothes even bed sheets, yeah. If I were to think about me in the past, and if I were to detox now let's do this scenario -- I think WD's would send the dog in the corner with his tail between his legs but that's just a hypothesis, it depends man. WD sucks but I think you would notice some stuff as for e.g not being able to feel the taste of a food, WD don't get u that, if it does boy learn to do drugs ahaha