Cool things to do on E?


Nov 10, 1999
Does anyone have some phat suggestions that aren't obvious like glowsticks, vicks, etc...
Also does anyone have Xmonsoon's list of cool things to do on E? I lost it...
well, for home-rolling games.....*giggles again* i have a one that i enjoy, and that makes you feel really good, and makes you trip out...;P
lie on the floor, face down, with enough room for you to stretch your arms out on top of your head, and your feet extended as well. Take a deep breath......and let it out slowly, as you do that, someone stands over you, one foot and either side of you and takes a hold of your hands firmly. Then they slowly lift your amrs up towards them, (while this is happening, your body and head get lifted off the ground. RElax your entire body the whole time, let your head fall forward. When you want the other person to stop lifting you (some pressure/resistence is good) count to about 5-10...depending on the person....(they can also tell you "please...let me down..." ) And you slowly start lowering there hands to the ground.....very very slowly, (have your eyes close) (it feels pretty kewl for both the participents...) keep lowering till there hands are on the floor then slowly let go of there hands and let them lie there for a bit. (the feeling is similar to falling slowly threw space......(threw the floorbaords sometimes too) very realaxed and trippy feeling...
)(the feeling is pretty intense, if it is your first time trying it) have a positive mind and a good vibe around when attempting this little game :O).........
remember, both of you should ahve your eyes closed.....(your minds will melt together.....)
3 cool things i like to do while rolling are smoke some herb, k and of course eat another pill.