Consequences for Providing False Info to Police


Mar 27, 2008
I got a friend [SWIM] from New Mexico. He was drinking in a mall parking lot chugging beer trying to get drunk really fast before the new Batman Movie. They barked at some girls or did something stupid enough to get mall security involved. Next thing you know mall security swarmed them right as they were exiting the vehicle and heading inside. They were all detained for questioning and my best friend, the only person I know in this whole crowd decides to sprint away as soon as the cops start cuffing his friend. At this time the real police showed up. chased my friend down, threw him to the ground and took him in.

When mall security questioned him he denied having his wallet and gave them all false information but his full name. When the cops showed up he could not remember what information he told the mall cops so he gave his full name, SS#, and then made up everything else, (he lied about his birthday and said he lived in TX. They eventually let him go and I'm not sure exactly what he was charged with. I believe either Public Intox. or Disorderly Conduct, but he never ended up signing any tickets.

Now I have a few questions: Firstly, what are the chances the cops will be able to track him down considering he gave the police his real name and SS#? What additional charges, if any, can she expect for giving a polices officer false information.

They can find out just about everything but your last bowel movement from a social security number.
I don't understand why he would lie about the stupid shit after giving his name and SS number, but I don't think there will be any additional charges for providing a false address..etc. etc.
(could be wrong, I am often)

And btw~

Who the fuck is Swim?
What does it stand for and why do people use it?

...always wondered this.
CII~360 said:
Who the fuck is Swim?
What does it stand for and why do people use it?

...always wondered this.

someone who isn't me
^^^^ But interpreted by judges, prosecutors, and juries as "someone who IS me."

We don't really use that acronym here. It's easier to not say things that incriminate one's self.

Welcome to Bluelight, JD55... :)
Is your friend a male or a female (you say both he and she)?

Yes, name and SSN is a good way to find someone.

Glad to know what a SWIM is now...
oops, did say she, definitely a 'he'. Forget it guys I just wanted to see if my friend was in trouble. I wasn't lookin for a witch hunt to track the kid down and determine his gender.

I can't stand when people write up posts, throw the phrase SWIM in there, and the entire thread turns into:

What is SWIM?
Like omg the OP is totally "swim".

I know my friend can get tracked down, I just don't know enough details to figure out his exact charge, was he actually charged, will he receive a summons, etc. He should be writing the post not me, I was just trying to give him some input.
It doesn't sound like he was charged with anything.

Sec. 38.02 of the Texas Penal Code requires that any person who is being arrested, lawfully detained, or is a witness to a criminal offense to properly identify themselves. Anyone who gives a false name, residence address, or date of birth can be prosecuted (class C misdemeanor).

He certainly can be arrested for giving false information, but whether or not he will can't be determined. In most instances the police would discover this information before the the person was released from custody.

In the future, it would be best to follow the law, and not give the police a false name or other false identifying information. Lying to mall security isn't a crime.