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Concerned with physiological effects.


Apr 22, 2016

I'm a very experienced user of MDMA. Pretty comfortable using this compound as a tool for self exploration and to recharge the batteries. However, a couple days ago I had a mishap. During the day (80 degrees or so and was quite 'sun drunk') I drank a few beers in the sun. Later that evening I ingested about 200mg of MDMA. It has been tested and is 87%. High quality and not questionable.

I blacked out. This has never happened to me. Ever. I do not remember a damn thing from the night before except for some conversations. I woke up feeling pretty good. Normal morning routine. Had some coffee (maybe too much) and ate some good whole foods for breakfast. Ingested 5HTP. Also I would like to note that I take Lamictal daily for mood stabilization. I've been on the medication for a few years. I've ingested MDMA plenty of times without complications. Lamictal is not an SSRI or MAOI inhibitor.

About two hours after eating my heart started to race. Panic ensued and it felt like an emergency. I decided that a walk was needed. Immediately after exiting my building my intuition kicked in to go right back inside. Started to feel dizzy. Big time. I started walking up the stairs. First flight was hard. Second flight I felt that I was walking slower and slower. Third flight felt like I was totally losing coordination and control. Walked down the hallway and half way to my door I collapse. My head hurt. There was a ringing sound in my head. I was down for about ten minutes and could not get up. Drenched in sweat.

I got up and managed to get inside my apartment and laid down for about an hour. My girlfriend was about to take me to the hospital but that freaked me out almost as bad as the experience itself so I refused to go. The symptoms subsided eventually. What happened? I can assume that it was a combination of everything I mentioned, but has anyone else experienced this? This experienced scared me what felt like almost to death.
You took too high of a dose...200mg is a lot in a drop and you were dehydrated from drinking in the sun. My degree is not in rocket science.
I know the combination of everything I mentioned contributed to the result. What I'm wondering is if someone has had a similar experience. 200mg is a high dose, but not a huge dose. 200mg is around the average of what I usually ingest and I've done this many times without any negative effects. Also, if anything else the testimony could possibly have some benefit to anyone who reads it as well... Harm reduction is our goal.
This is most likely dehydration - with stimulation and endorphins you might not have realized how bad it was.