Commonly Used Abbreviations


Bluelight Crew
Dec 10, 2009
I saw a thread posted that asked if there was a section that listed the abbreviations used here, and since we currently don't have a thread for that I thought that it would be a good idea to start one here. I will post some off the top of my head, and feel free to add to it.

  • PM- private message
  • OP- original poster: the person that started the thread.
  • ROA- route of administration: the way a person uses a drug, e.g. smoking, intranasal, intravenous, oral, etc...
  • BA- bioavailability: the percentage of the drug absorbed by a given ROA.
  • LD50: the dosage of a drug that would cause fatalities among 50% of the people taking it with no tolerance.
  • WD- withdrawal
  • PWD- precipitated withdrawals
  • DOC- drug of choice
  • HR- harm reduction
  • CNS- central nervous system: usually used in the term 'CNS depression' which is aphysical effect that occurs when one uses CNS depressants such as opioids, alcohol, or benzodiazepines.
  • PAWS- post acute withdrawal syndrome: the lingering withdrawal symptoms that one experiences after the initial period of acute withdrawal. Symptoms include (but are not limited to) insomnia, depression, sexual side effects, lethargy, and a change in appetite.

Feel free to add on.
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related reading: the greenlighter's guide - common forum abbreviations and terminology
AFAIK - As far as I know
ASAP - As soon as possible
ATM - At the moment
A/S/L - Age, sex, location
BL - Bluelight
BTW - By the way
DOC - Drug of choice
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
FOAF - Friend of a friend (use of this term is discouraged on BL; see SWIM)
FTW - For the win
FWIW - For what its worth
GTFO - Get the fuck out
IIRC - if I recall correctly
IME - In my experience
IMO - In my opinion
IMHO - In my honest opinion
ITT - In this thread
IMHO - in my honest/humble opinion
LMAO - Laughing my ass off
LOL - Laughing out loud OR lots of love
OP - Original Poster
PLUR - Peace, love, unity, respect
QFT - Quoted for truth
RFD - Request for discussion
ROA - Route of administration (Refers to the method used to ingest a drug, such as smoking or ingesting orally)
ROTFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
RTG - Read the guidelines
SLR - Bluelight forum Sex, Love and Relationships
S/O - Significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend)
STFU - Shut the fuck up
SWIM - Someone who isn't me (Use of this term is discouraged on BL; it is used on some forums in an attempt to avoid incriminating oneself, e.g. "SWIM is considering manufacturing meth, what does SWIM need to know?". There is no evidence that this provides any protection from legal repercussions, and it makes your posts hard to follow. Also, many people switch between "SWIM" and "I" in the same post. Finally, you shouldn't be incriminating yourself (drug synthesis, dealing, etc) on Bluelight anyway)
TBH - To be honest
TDS - Bluelight forum The Dark Side
TLB - Bluelight administrator TheLoveBandit (many usernames become abbreviated in discussions; this one is known for frequently leaving tl;dr posts in his wake).
tl;dr - Too long; didn't read.
Troll - A non-person who spends their energy disrupting the normal flow of the Bluelight community (Technically not an abbreviation, but still good to know.)
UTSE - Use the search engine
WTF? - What the fuck?
YMMV - Your mileage may vary
DOC- (usually) drug of choice
PAWS- post-acute withdrawal syndrome

Oddly, I can't think of any more right now....
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I saw this n was just going to mention the Greenlighter's Guide, but Alasdair has beat me to it :D

Good idea to create thread, Tommyboy, because not everyone reads the Greenlighter's Guide. Admittedly, I didn't when I came here "slaps wrist" should have because it's very useful.

Evey :)
I saw this n was just going to mention the Greenlighter's Guide, but Alasdair has beat me to it :D

Good idea to create thread, Tommyboy, because not everyone reads the Greenlighter's Guide. Admittedly, I didn't when I came here "slaps wrist" should have because it's very useful.

Evey :)

Yea I thought there was a thread like this somewhere, but I had forgotten about that one. This one is more geared towards abbreviations used in the focus forums though so it serves a different purpose.
HOw about the v in thread titles-for example
Captain Heroin v. Asshats
Morning fix v. handful of pills
Version or versus i assume
^ That's just 'version' for threads with multiple, well versions. :\
what do some of the abreviations i see mean and is there a key to them?

There must be a place where some of these are addressed.
They are actually shorthand as opposed to true abreviations.
I know what YMMV means but i see "meh" and "ITTL"...?...something like that as well as others...

any help out there?

^ That's just 'version' for threads with multiple, well versions. :\

It means Versus, as in oxycodone v hydrocodone. What are the pros and cons of theze w items interspersed with a v......versus. (against)