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Comedowns are only depressing if you let them be?


Nov 3, 2012
Id end up feeling pretty down after rolling and I'd even have anxiety. But then I started to learn that I can be free of all of that by simply ignoring my thoughts, or accepting what is. My question is, is having anxiety or feeling depressed only because you do it to yourself and it can't be entirely chemical? Its just liberating knowing that anxiety is entirely in your control so that you don't have to always buy into the whole idea that comedowns make you depressed as if it's guaranteed to do so.

You only really become depressed or have anxiety when you believe your fearful thoughts. Does anyone here agree that our happiness is not dependent on serotonin levels, etc. So therefore we can be less fearful of drugs causing depression?
I've been looking into serotonin and depression and i don't think serotonin is entirely what affects your happiness. Going by that logic, we can say that mdma is true happiness but that can't be true because we know that mdma is a drug and doesn't make you be truly happy.

The place I'm coming from about all of this in regards to depression and anxiety is plain old school advice such as believing your thoughts are real, that anxiety is self created. Reason being is that even when you roll, you can end up psyching yourself out instead of relaxing into the experience because I'd get rid of my anxious moments once I allowed it to be.
No, comedowns are depressing because your brain chemistry is out of whack from post mdma usage. You are able to ignore depression and anxiety during the comedown only because it is very mild in nature, if it is moderate or severe you will not be able to ignore it.
Also, happiness which is a feeling is purely based upon chemical fluctuations inside of your body and internal as well as external events influence the status of those chemicals inside, for example when your chemicals get unbalanced in one way or another you get depression, anxiety, OCD and other mental disturbances. It is important to understand that chemicals are no less important than thoughts and the existence of your body which is purely composed of chemicals is based upon their successful management.
Great thread, thanks for sahring your opinion. I couldn´t agree more with you, you nail it, it really is all in the mind, specialy with MDMA. It´s the kind of drug you need to control yourself thru the mind. I´ve been taken MDMA for a bit more than a year and it has change my life for the better, I really take the best this drug can give. I make lots of sports and eat well, no comedowns or depression whatsoever because when I start to feel any sign of depression (I wouldn´t even call it depression) I know it´s false so I don´t put any energy to it, I just think I have a wonderful life and family, zero money problems and lots of health, i´m really blessed and that it stronger than any other sentiment. So the mind really plays a roll here and if you can control it, no comedown have place inside you.
Being in the right state of mind can help. If you're already depressed, the comedown can make it worse.

Larger amounts can always cause depression afterwards from brain chemistry. The comedown can be beautiful and enjoyable if you're happy with your life and you stick to smaller doses.
Ignoring your depression is like when you hear people say "no one knows how depressed I am because I always put a smile on my face"
You can put a bandaid on it, but it don't make it go away. I've been dealing with severe depression for years but I am the type that will just smile because I don't want there to be a cause for alarm but it doesn't make me feel any better.
I can think all the happy thoughts I want but it doesn't change anything.
I'm on a come down right now after rolling about 1am this morning and the only depression I'm having rn is the fact I'm still not rolling hard
I'm on a come down right now after rolling about 1am this morning and the only depression I'm having rn is the fact I'm still not rolling hard

I used to hate that. Everything is winding down but your not ready kind of feeling.
This is very inaccurate. In the days following my last MDMA use I expirianced what it was like to have almost no serotonin in my brain. Let me tell you it was the most agonizing thing I have ever experienced and this is coming from someone who has experienced a broken spine. This was full blown, rock bottom, "I'd rather through myself off a cliff then go through this another second" depression. I didn't feel depressed because I let myself feel depressed I felt depressed because a drug stole all my feel good chemicals. There was no way to think my self out of that. Believe me I tried. I tried to watch happy movies to distract myself but the happiest movies still seemed dark and painful. You are lucky that your depression has never been so severe that you can't think your way out of it, but keep in mind that not all people share that luxury. I hope you never have to go through what I and so many other had to go through.
I used to hate that. Everything is winding down but your not ready kind of feeling.

This is usually the bit I decide it's time to go home and have a cone, which often kicks things halfway back into gear again anyway :)