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combo 6apb and 5apb, dose too high?


Mar 4, 2013
I have bought 6apb from a source. I wanted to take a dose of 170mg, after reading extensively on the subject my opinion on the subject was that this dose would be strong, but not overwhelming with considering my experience with high doses of MDMA/MDA and many combos.
Now I brough the 6apb to a Dutch test centre and they told me that that the sample contains only two active substances and those were 6apb and 5apb, and both were NOT traces. So it could be 6apb/5apb mixture in any ratio. However it is likely the vendor premixed this, so I expect a at least 50% 6apb.

Now my question is, would 170mg of any ratio of these two substances more overwhelming that 170mg of 6apb or do you even recommend me to dose higher with these test results in mind?
Hi there,

Its really good to hear that people are using the test centres.... if they built them here that would save so many lives...

I think I understand your question at the end? Keep it to 170mg, you have a perfect amount for an enjoyable experience and you don't have to bother about getting more. What you have there is a perfectly optimal amount for a night out and your brain will thank you for not taking more as you go through the next few days. If you are feeling fine the next few days then that is the best case scenario you can hope for, but tested in a lab and exact measurement, nice =D have fun!
170 is way too much for a first time dose.

If you haven't tried a drug before, jumping straight into a high dose is a very bad idea. You have no idea how you will react to the combo, not to mention APB is much more potent than MDMA so that 170mg is going to feel like quite a bit more. I would dose around 120mg to start, especially with a combo. You could maybe push that up to 150mg but I would not go beyond that for a first time.

The simple answer is, yes, however. Two substances in combination will be more intense than an equivalent amount of a single substance.
What's your dimensions BTW? We want to fantasize and picture you in out minds/get all scientific on your hood for a minute :)

after reading extensively on the subject my opinion on the subject was that this dose would be strong, but not overwhelming with considering my experience with high doses of MDMA/MDA and many combos.

A more appropriate question I should have asked was before giving my answer: define your high doses and many combos?

I found 6-APB to be almost the same as MDA, just a bit more "furious" in the eye wobble department and the duration was more gradual and balanced over time.

Having said that, my first time on 6-APB was a night I won't ever forget, coming home from the club I went into the car audio store and bought an intense sound system for my car, I'm pretty sure that night redefined the word "sound/Choon/music" for me.

It's a hell of a drug lol but 170mg is gonna be a lot safer than 240 and a looooooooooooot of people never realized that it was 240, watching that unfold was often nuts. And that is why I like your HR Superlabs.
Ok I did it anyway, considering my extensive experience with high doses of MDMA (200mg in one go) and all kinds of combo's (high doses of MDMA/MDA with doses as high as 25mg 2c-b and ketamine). In worst case scenario I thought I would have to leave the rave. And boy was it good!!
The 170mg very slowly kicked with first alerts at T0:45 minutes and peaking at 2:15-2:30. I had to throw up at T1:45 due to nausea. The peak was strong, strong empathy and feeling very very good, no intense euphoria however. Very nice.

I read online the 6-apb strongly intensifies MDMA, and that a 50mg dose can feel as strong as a 100mg while not on 6-apb. And boy was it true! I took about 4/10 of a dutch 200mg pill at T3:15, a dose which hardly does something to me normally. The result was the unique MDMA magic I haven't felt since the last time I did MDMA/MDA. I somehow can't seem to capture the magic with MDMA alone anymore (only could the first few times, after that it was always combo's, with ketamine, 2c-b and MDA), I will just roll very hard in a very hazy mindset. But now everything around me went crystal clear around me, I felt my eyes almost burst out of my eyes and felt amazing with the strong tactile sensations and all, the magic place where I had been before but forgot how it felt. At T:4:45 I dosed the other 6/10 pill and the result was even stronger magic, rivalling my first few times I did MDMA.
I know the doses were quite high. I preloaded and postloaded with lots of antioxidants to minimize damage (extended release alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin C, acetyl-carnitine, and vitamine E), and post load with vitamine C and alpha lipoic acid.
Aside from being tired , I felt mine the day after.
170mg of both combined is a bit high for some people. 50-60mg each is a great dose for a beginner. If it's too weak re dose a little in a few h.