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Cocaine dosing


Dec 1, 2015
What would be the best way to do a half a gram of coke to get the most out of it. Taken while drinking alcohol would it be best to do it in say 3 larger lines or 6 smaller. Or start large and gradually reduce size of lines. Also comedown should not be an issue as speed could be mixed with last one or two lines of coke and then used for rest of night to maintain a high :) also coke seems to be fairly standard for Australian stuff
Going to move this over to basic drug discussion. This forum is for empathogenic drugs like MDMA, MDA, 5/6-MAPB,... They'll be able to answer your question there. Welcome to the forum!
What situation are you using the coke in? Are you going to a nightclub/bar where you have to snort it in a toilet or are you going to have it at a home setting? If i was you and i was having it at a night club i would have 3 large lines over an hour or two. One large line will make you buzz for about 30 minutes. If i was you i wouldn't bother with drinking a;cohol while on the coke. Good coke is a bloody awesome feeling and skulling drinks on it is just over kill IMO.

If your using the coke at home or a hotel room you could use 3 large lines as well however and i very much recommend trying this, see if you can organise someone to have sex with while your on the coke but maybe have 6 smaller lines over the course of the fucking session. IME sex on cocaine is a great feeling but if you do too much coke too quick you might not be able to cum.

Sorry if i went off topic but i don't think there is any wrong way to use your cocaine apart from sneezing in front of the coke and blowing it all over the floor
Hey thanks for response was very helpful. It's actually going to be at a house party where I can just rack up on a bench. Will be plenty of girls there so I'll take your advice on trying to pick up haha! I don't get to do coke often so I'm really looking for a true experience rather than longer lasting so I might just do the three lines over and hour or two like you said and then smash out some speed later on to keep me going. Would ou have any insight into the coke/ speed combo (obviously only after all my coke is gone)
I wonder how nice a big fat half a gram line would be? In reality, I was always a fiend when I had coke back many moons ago. I literally would do a huge line to start and then basically keep on rockin' until it was gone. Of course, then I rack my brain as to whether I could, should or would get more! And this is why I stopped doing coke a long time ago. I put it in the category of "anything this good, can't be good for you". OP, enjoy as you see fit!
I know the feeling. Coke for me is one these drugs that at some point you get sick of it IMO/E
When I get a half g I usually divide it into three medium lines and wait 15-20 minutes in between each one, because when I get the drip and everything I know it's in my system and I wait to see if the effects are enough. Most of the time I'm with people and I don't finish all of it. I don't suggest drinking too much alcohol with it though. It made my friend really sick; but do as you wish and hopefully you had a good time :)
Honestly, in my opinion, the advice you've been given here feels very reckless; an 80mg-165mg dose recommendation is just ridiculous. Yeah, sure, you won't fucking die, but seriously guys? This guy probably hasn't touched a stimulant in his life and you're recommending a high dose of a stimulant known to be very rushy, even intranasal?

What I would do (and do, if I use the stuff) is break half a gram down into 15-20 small lines and generally take two at a time, some times more if I let myself be greedy, every 20-40 minutes. I don't actually rack them up ahead of time, but they work out to around 25mg-30mg each. If you want to, just evenly spread the contents of your bag on a surface, powder it up well, then divide it in half by eye several times until you get your desired number of lines. You'll have to math it out, cause I'm not feeling very numbery right now.

Good luck :)

Edit: Ok, reading through your posting history you do have some experience with the white stuff. Still, 133mg is a heavy dose. Cocaine has a point when it becomes an unpleasant, nauseated, overheated mess. I guess we all have to puke after a line/puff at some point to really learn that for ourselves, but I really would suggest you just bust it down into five or six lines instead. Hell, even just priming yourself with smaller ones through the night, and finishing with a 130mg one would probably avoid all that. It's just senseless to dose all in one line all at once like that is all I'm trying to say.
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Do not mix speed and coke, even if you feel you've come down to baseline; the two drugs are both stimulants, but work in different ways, and, when combined, pose a large risk for overstimulation of the CNS, which can result in cardiac issues, seizures, hallucinations and delusions, paranoia, panic, perfuse sweats and hyperthermia, and the list goes on. The point is simple - the mix is something you want to avoid at all costs.