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Ethnobotanicals Coca leaf shelf life

burn out

Nov 11, 2006
I have some old coca leaf powder about 2 years past the expiration date on the bottle. I gave some to a friend recently who really liked it when it was fresh but this time he said it didn't do much. Does it typically lose all or most of its potency after a few years?
It is called coca flour and it is more common than coca leaf in the USA. I had some that was perhaps 7 years old and it worked fine.
It is still used to prepare tea. Japanese do similar processing on some varieties of green tea.
It is called coca flour and it is more common than coca leaf in the USA. I had some that was perhaps 7 years old and it worked fine.

I've never heard of this in my life and I live in the US. Judging by OP saying expiration date on a bottle, is something like this obtained legally? As @dalpat077 asked, is it made from spent leaves? Extremely curious here lol.
Yeah Deru it is freely available, or at least it was when I last bought some. I didn't know it existed until I visited some of my coworkers who had emigrated from Cuzco and who enjoyed it in moderation.

Edit: Looks like it has been made illegal now, looks like you've (pl) missed it. A benefit of being a geyser I guess. I can remember when I bought LSD legally as well. Now it (Mate de Coca) is still imported, but has the cocaine alkaloid removed first
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I was guessing it would have to be made using spent leaves. Not even Coca-Cola could get around Congress on that one.

That would have been something, though.
Ummmnnn... Just to refresh your memory: there's another company in the US that gets Coca Cola's leaves, extracts the alkaloid, SUPPOSEDLY passes that part onto the pharmaceutical companies for "research", and what's LEFT goes to Coca Cola. Remember we were all on about the missing Coca leaves? Lol!

Yup, that's how it's designed to work. That company is DEA licensed to do this, and they then distribute the extracted alkaloids to hospitals and researchers. There have to be companies that exist for exactly that purpose. Coca-Cola never touches it for a reason.
You can still buy coca leaf here in the US that has not been processed to remove the cocaine. There are a handful of suppliers. These coca flours absolutely contain cocaine. I even bought a cocaine drug test to verify my urine contained cocaine/cocaine metabolites the next day.

Note that coca flour is mild, with a gram containing around 5mg of cocaine.
Do you need a special license or something to buy this? I'm baffled how they could operate legally here.

Isn't benzoylecgonine actually found in certain leaves, so you could theoretically test positive from the leaves without ever ingesting cocaine?
We can't get into prices here but say one was to do an extraction from 1kg of coca flour you'd wind up with cocaine that is slightly less expensive than if you had bought say a quarter ounce of good cocaine. But its alot of lot of work and not guaranteed to turn out right or be high yielding (I've never done it myself).

Coca flour is available in the US but in its natural concentrations it has a pretty low abuse potency. I usually mix it with baking soda and hold in my cheeks. When consumed like that the effects are unmistakable and not subtle, especially if you repeat it back to back.
It is called coca flour and it is more common than coca leaf in the USA. I had some that was perhaps 7 years old and it worked fine.

Ok interesting I wonder why mine came with an expiration date of only about a year.
Do you need a special license or something to buy this? I'm baffled how they could operate legally here.

Isn't benzoylecgonine actually found in certain leaves, so you could theoretically test positive from the leaves without ever ingesting cocaine?

You don't need any special license, I believe it operates in a sort of legal gray area like how you used to be able to buy dried poppy pods very easily even though they contained all the opium alkaloids. Coca leaves are illegal in the USA and I've heard you cannot take coca leaves back with you on a plane if you fly to one of the countries where they are sold. However, when ordering them online it seems customs/DEA either looks the other way, or just isn't particularly concerned about it. The supplier I ordered them from said they had never had a USA order seized. There are also a few suppliers that ship from within the USA and I have no idea how they operate legally or avoid being shut down.
I ASSUME based on my VAST amount of knowledge gleaned from these very forums here over the last few months:

It's missing that valuable alkaloid that's been pressed out of the wet leaves? Yes? No? Anyone?

But no: doesn't Coca Cola import DRIED leaves (back to that again)?

No, it's not missing this alkaloid.
I know this from experience..

I had some leaf sit in less than ideal conditions for quite a few years, occasionally trying it along the way. Where it was stored some summers got the area hot I’m sure.

I’d say I wouldn’t let it sit for more than 3-4yrs at room temperature unless expect some degradation. It won’t be completely Bunk but noticeable enough.

You've already been told what it is. It's crushed coca leaf. Of course cocaine can be extracted from it. Getting clean white cocaine HCl from coca isn't as easy as people assume it to be though.
Exactly dalpa, it is exactly crushed leaves, and that's that. It really isn't advanced because it's has been produced and consumed in this way since the time of the Incas. If you are indeed the expert you purport yourself to be the you should need no other information to follow the technical steps necessary.
You've already been told what it is. It's crushed coca leaf. Of course cocaine can be extracted from it. Getting clean white cocaine HCl from coca isn't as easy as people assume it to be though.

I learned this the hard way, in the end just easier to buy it from your friendly local dealer unless you got a bathtub full.
