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Clonazapam and alcohol combo I did


Sep 13, 2018
I took 2mg Clonazapam and took two shots of rum. And this enhanced buzz is incredible. What are the *potential risks?
It all depends on your tolerance to both. Some people might black out, lose consciousness etc. Risk of falls, disinhibited behavior, respiratory increase with that combination. I drink pretty heavily on benzos but i wouldn't recommend it.
It would be best to not mix benzos and alcohol at all, since they have an additive effect when combined because they act on similar receptors in the brain. So, mixing them definitely increases the risk of overdosing, which is the case with combinations in general. But especially so since they have additive effects when combined. In other words, if you've drink a little alcohol and take a little bit of clonazepam, you'll probably be much more inebriated than you'd expect from your dosage of either one individually. Plus, combinations of two downers can have an additive effect that's significantly greater than the sum of the two together. Though, fortunately you didn't drink very much. Keep it that way, and I'd recommend not mixing the two substances again since the risk of having problems physically or as a result of falls/disinhibited behavior is quite high given how easy it is to get extremely and dangerously fucked up very quickly from this particular combination.
It would be best to not mix benzos and alcohol at all, since they have an additive effect when combined because they act on similar receptors in the brain. So, mixing them definitely increases the risk of overdosing, which is the case with combinations in general. But especially so since they have additive effects when combined. In other words, if you've drink a little alcohol and take a little bit of clonazepam, you'll probably be much more inebriated than you'd expect from your dosage of either one individually. Plus, combinations of two downers can have an additive effect that's significantly greater than the sum of the two together. Though, fortunately you didn't drink very much. Keep it that way, and I'd recommend not mixing the two substances again since the risk of having problems physically or as a result of falls/disinhibited behavior is quite high given how easy it is to get extremely and dangerously fucked up very quickly from this particular combination.
That’s a lot of fluff. I have a tolerance of both and I consume in moderation. It’s fine for me. I’m watching a movie -faculties relaxed.
That’s a lot of fluff. I have a tolerance of both and I consume in moderation. It’s fine for me. I’m watching a movie -faculties relaxed.

Neat. So then, like, why’d you feel compelled to start the thread and ask the question?
It all depends on your tolerance to both. Some people might black out, lose consciousness etc. Risk of falls, disinhibited behavior, respiratory increase with that combination. I drink pretty heavily on benzos but i wouldn't recommend it.
Thank you for the straightforward response
i'd like to be honest with you - taking benzos sinde 2008 recreationally. Since 2008 my tolerance is so high - believe it or not - I take Clona 25 mg over the day, and perhaps 15 mg of bromazolam. I never bläcked out. Im just sleeping then but also with 25mg clona and 15mg bromazolam perhaps 6 hours.

Anytime Ill get the bill for it, for sure.

ii also tried clonazolam with alcohol, the only thing that happens was that i slept better but on the way to the bed i fell down 2 time. ouch. 4

in my dreams i see a benzo that is just very hypnotic and sedative without that fucking motoric problems.
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