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Classification of my beliefs


Sep 10, 2015
I am trying to, essentially, label myself as a follower of a particular belief but have yet to discover what to call it. I am certain there are others that hold the same beliefs. Here is a rundown: a. Earth and this level of consciousness is HELL b. We choose our life path before we are born c. There is a supreme higher power d. We are reincarnated to Earth to learn additional lessons to progress our souls.

Please, can anyone lead me to a group of like-minded individuals?

lol. I mean Earth is Hell in that in Christianity Heaven vs Hell. I think here is a place called hell, not necessarily hellish.
lol. I mean Earth is Hell in that in Christianity Heaven vs Hell. I think here is a place called hell, not necessarily hellish.

whats the point in calling earth and our current level of consciousness hell if it doesn't have the qualities of being hellish?
you, sir, should investigate Gnosticism. the core tenant, that this world is flawed and ruled by the Demiurge AKA satan, sits with you, but you'll have to dig into the various branches to find your path. i will say that it is a worthy path, though complex, and i wish you godspeed upon it.
So if I got this right, we are currently in Hell by virtue of being on Earth and of consciousness — however, this "Hell", is not necessarily "Hellish", rendering nouns and any adjectives in relationship useless. We choose our life path so there is free-will in Hell; there is a God; when we die we are reincarnated back into Hell to learn "lessons" to "progress" our soul. You combine Hell, a Christian idea, with reincarnation — an idea opposed by Christianity but supported Hinduism.

I recommend you call yourself a Christianduist. I'm sure there are a small minority of other Christianduists and when you get reincarnated back into Hell perhaps you will meet some of these people.
ploom, is Christianduists a typo because I couldn't find anything on it, only on Christian deism. Anyways, typo or not I love it. A Christian that believes and worships duality: Christianduist. Brilliant! Without dualities there cannot be hell. I dare say hell does not exist, not on earth, not anywhere except in the illusions of perception. Doesn't mean I ignore what my eyes are telling me, it's just that I don't feed into it and walk safely amongst it until the source of illusion becomes clear and am released from it. You might like The Course in Miracles, it'll validate your hell on earth belief, but only as an illusion, which is a lot more benign than more "punishing intent" versions I've heard if you ask me. There's groups out there I hear.

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Since the OP references Christianity's heaven vs. hell... then it's worthwhile pointing out that the fire and brimstone "Hell" is a manufacture of Dante's Inferno from the Middle Ages. The original meaning of Hell was a life or a world where God is absent. Since all the world's religions have a common thread, I take this to mean that if one does not accept Divinity into one's life in some form, then they will live in torment. Hell is not an actual place you get sent to for being bad, it's a state of being.

The Vedic versions of Hell and their Buddhist offshoots relate to an actual dimension that the soul incarnates into when it has accumulated enough negative karma. It exists in those Hell places for however long it takes the negative karma to expire, up to many lifetimes, until the soul is able to be reborn into higher states. The goal however is to escape the cycle, and not necessarily to make it to Godhood.