Classical music, the romantic era and drugs...


May 15, 2022
In the 19th century developed the romantic era and this was most prominent - definitely for classical music, in Paris, france; not only did the greatest composers of that time lived there, such as chopin And Liszt, but IT also was the home of the bohemiens, which consisted of artists of all sorts, writers, painters, musician, dancers and so on, and they believed in ideals such as love and freedom - these were mostly very poor ppl that lived for their art...

The romance of the romantic era can be seen as true romance and is virtually completely different than the romance we know today which is simply pure kitsh; the romance of the romantic era was very dark and sinistre and artists such as chopin And Liszt considered themselves to be devils artists who sold their soul to the devil in return for their insane virtuosity - programmatic works were composed with such titles like totentanz from Liszt, meaning dance of the dead OR danse Macabre by Saint saens, which I feel i dont need to translate...

The romance of the 19th century also meant real torment, such as chopin wrote in his diary about his etude opus 10 nr 4 - later called by critics la tempesta, meaning the storm, however Chopin actually wrote programmatic music hè never gave titles to his work except those that only said something about the musical form of the piece, in this case etude - as if IT was the wind of the storm raging over the graves.of the cemitaries at night...

The artist of the romantic era were about sex Drugs and rock n roll (well, classical music Actually of course), Liszt for example, who is the ultimate and quintessential romantic composer, had non stop sex with many married baronesses and other wonen that belonged To the elite, hè used alcohol and smoked opium (drugs were still legal back then, they only became illegal somewhere early 20th century, i believe it was 1916, and there were many opium bars in which you could lay down on a sofa and smoke opium from a large pipe) and im not sure if hè did coke but most likely hè did As IT was not only available As.drug on its own and often prescribed to even children - Freud consider coke as a miracle drug that cured things such as depression but hè later changed his mind after a Friends OD - IT was also sold as An ingrediënt in various drinks and foods, Liszt is generally considered to be the first real rock star, hè was the first musician To give real big solo concerts which were not all about the music but also about the show; hè would get on stage, go to the piano, take the score off of the pupiter and in a rage ripped IT to pieces and threw Them in the audience, and hè played with such power that strings would snap at which point hè would go to the second piano on stage and continued playing, till strings broke again on which hè moved back to the first piano which was by then fixed ...

Another great example of true romance is the painting with which the romantic era started; the raft of the Medusa by gericault, which was a painting of An actual raft from a ship that sank at sea, and on the painting you can see that the ppl at the front are standing up and are painted in quite light colors and they are looking to land ahead, and the got to the back of the raft the lesser ppl were standing up, unitil they Just layed down dead, And the more dark colors are used, the ppl in the front symbolizing hope and the more to the back the more IT symbolizes dispair...

I AM truly a romantic, are you guys? And in which things about you in modern life make you a true romantic OR which things dont,?