(South Australia) Cappa Capsules White Clear Capsule

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Jul 24, 2008
WARNING - Cappa Capsules White Clear Capsule

These are being sold as Cappa Capsules.

Supposively MDMA etc etc. u know the bullshit.

donno what actual content is in them.

as my friends have already ingested them :(.

Which i clearly warned em to stay away from any supposively MD capsules to begin with

1st persons experience as follows

She was dry reaching heaps. then just laid on my bed moaning and twitching for like 3 hours, tried picking at her skin toward the end

No mdma at all in the shit, eyes were normal

2nd person

Another guy snorted one and and started throwing up about half hour later

I dont want to speculate what kinda RC or even poison is in these capsules. but i just want to put the word out. If anyone in Adelaide is being offered clear caps with white powder inside and is called Cappa's. Stay the Fuck away.


ANd just be more patient kiddies, good pills should be rolling into our state soon enough now .


and yes they also did pay Top dollars for these utter crap. ;(
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thanks for the warning headdah, capsules from anything but a trusted source are bad news.

I sure hope good pills start 'rolling' into our state soon :)
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I got offered some capsules that looked huge, but were only about a 1/4 full with white powder. Was told they were PCP lol. Not sure if these are the same ones though.
cheers headdah

mate of mine has been chasing caps up for a while now, i keep on urging him not to bother.
i actually had an awesome cap in adel the other day at a recent festival.

it was white and red on outside, so couldnt see the contents. def some mdma in there was the best roll i have had in a long time, nice smooth come up and no chewing, eye wobbles and happiness and enjoying the light show and real sensitive to touch :). must have been cut with speed however as struggled to sleep that night and normally i sleep like a baby
Oh geeze Headdah thought ud be a bit more sensible then to buy a capsule filled with powder. Hope u pulled up ok after that. Who knows whats in them. There are just so many RCs this day u couldnt even guess.
Oh geeze Headdah thought ud be a bit more sensible then to buy a capsule filled with powder. Hope u pulled up ok after that. Who knows whats in them. There are just so many RCs this day u couldnt even guess.

ohh yeah, most of them contain a fine blend of RC chems here in adelaide as they prob do in NSW too, new comers too the scene here the dealer say mdma yet they dont know theres not a trance of mdma in them nd there left trippin balls
Doesn't sound like 2cb then?
From good source 2cb capsules about in SA.

But more importantly the famed - or infamous green elephants may have found there way to SA? :D
Sorry guys I'm going to close all of the current threads on capsules in the PIR sub forum. While we do appreciate you taking the time to write up reports and warn users about potentially dangerous/adulterated caps, the nature of caps make them next to impossible to identify. You're no more guaranteed to be getting the same product as someone else with similar looking caps than if you were comparing bags of similar looking powder/crystals.

Sykik put it well:

Caps/Powder Info reports are against the guidelines of AusDD. It is pretty clear why this is the case, as caps/powder are impossible to identify as it is so easy to emulate them.

Let this thread be a reminder to how easy it is to eat anything in a cap. I strongly suggest that you never eat a cap/power without testing it first with an test kit to at least get an idea of what might be in there.
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