(answered) Can't read rachamim blogs anymore


Mar 29, 2009
Is there a reason for this? I love his blogs and I can't seem to access them for some reason, did he do this or did mods do this? I'm sure it's probably none of my business but he has the best stories and honestly they would make a great book. "The life of an awesome zionist heroin addict" :p :D
^he made his blogs private. i am not sure why, you'd have ask him.

I must admit, that makes me really sad, and he has turned off being able to PM him. I kinda hope he see's this (of if someone who knows him see's this let him know) if there is anyway he would be willing to share the less than private ones. If not, thank you Rachamim for letting me read what I had time to read before you set it private as it was not only informative and enjoyable reading, but for being a great guy. If you see this and feel so inclined to I'd love to chat with you Rachamim a= you have brightened some of my knowledge and I think you would make a very good person to converse with. I do appologize if this is hard to understand (or if I used the wrong word) it's 2:30am and I can barely keep my eyes open.

Edit: Can't add as a friend (no option for it). Boo :(
not to resurrect this old thread but rachamim is back as Raki and posts often. he forgot his old password and so he had to make a new account.