Cannibis, Detura,etc....Read This you'll be enlightened


Dec 21, 1999
I had an interesting night last night. Me and bunch of my friends drove about 30 miles out of town to this lake called Canyon lake. Well, we all went out there so we could build a fire get somw munchies, and pretty mouch just bullshit amongst our selfs and have a nise night at our friends house er trailer. Anyway about 1130 rolls around and the buddah finally shows up. We all get excited and run inside and prep up the G-bong.(I love those!) Then someone asks "hey, what about your dad, is he here, does he care if we smoke?" He told us that his dad doesn't care and that he's going to smoke with us. That's always a relief. We were all in for a very interesting treat. After we all finished smoking, Our friends dad starts talking. At first it was just to a couple of people around listening to him talk. But after about 10 minutes of sitting there stoned as shit, I started to feel his dads voice invading my head. I could really understand what he was talking about but his vioce was so persistant and deep me and the girl I was talking to just had to get up and go listen. Wow. This was new stuff to me. It turned out that this guys dad had lived on some Indian reservation and he believes that smokeing week is a very sacred experience, not something to do for fun or to feel good like most of us do. By this time he had all 12 of us in a deep trance listening to his words. Then he goes on to tell us about what the Indians thought Weed or the cannibis plant represented to them. I sure most you know they smoke you know, the peace pipe and everything. Anyway, he says the way that they look at is that, everything around us in nature is alive and has its own kind of life energy, the trees, grass, everything. And Cannibis is natures way of harnessing this energy in to something that is tangible to us. Cannibis is the embodiment of natures energy and it allows us to use it to open our "third" eye become more one with ourselves and nature and the world and our surrondings. Cannibis, along with this other plant called Detura which also can be smoked. He started to say that Detura(which grows locally here in Texas, I just wish I knew what it looked like) we started begging him to tell us what this stuff Detura looked like but he told us that it was really really strong shit and that it would knock you on your ass and it would hurt. He also mentioned that its very unwise to smoke Detura with out somekind of guide (preferably Indian) to guide you though the "spirit" world and to make sure you returned safely. Any way I hope this has some what enlightened you. I sure as hell was, just listening to him talk enhanced by buzz 5 times over. I definitly look forward to smoking with my friends dad agian.
kewl story, thank for sharing it
Datura is also known as angel trumpets and thorn apple, the plant is very distinctive, with large, round, thorny green fruit and long thin white flowers (trumpets) they grow here in FL too, and kids eat the flowers to get fucked up and usually never do it again. Out of four guys my friend new who tried it, 3 ended up in the hospital, one was found naked in a parking lot. If you do end up trying it, I suggest drying and smoking the leaves, and prepare yourself for an intense trip, I've found that natural psychadelics are way stronger than the man-made kind.
Is there a connection between spirituality and drugs? I think so!!! drugs in them selves do not make one feel anything it is what it does to your nervous system it stimmulates them allowing more energy to pass through electrifying so to speak being temporarily turned on like a radio this in turn makes on very sensitive to vibration thus experiencing an alterd statethis energy has different name such as chi,prana,kundalini. In our spinal cord which the ancients called the tree of life exists 12 gates which regulate the energy to the brain we only have 2 gates open this is connected to our sexuality this why sex in itself is a vehicle of reaching higher states of consciousness and to experience true ecstacy(a state when your soul is out of body) this is why one feels very connected and whole you actually connect with the universe or at least become aware of your connection to it.Now in a fully enlightened individual all these gates are pushed open and allows this energy to flow freely to the brain thus they are called the awakend ones. drugs jar thes gates open but only temporarily and can be very dangerous if one doesnt have these channels clear this energy can short circut your body esp the heart for this is were the chakra(energy center)regulates all the other centers in the body.I think drugs were given to humanity at this point in time to reveal other realities that exist besides the all the suffering that the powers that be esp the media procliam as our only reality thus enslaving us. I am not saying drugs are a means of enlightenment and that it is a cheap and fast way of ripping the veil to see what is on the other side insted of proper meditation but it is some thing that we are embracing and ultimatly we shall trancend itthrough Peace,Love,Unity and Respect we can all come together to realise the POWER within each one of us to allow ourselves to live by LOVE and the wisdom to live in the balance of both /for every high there is a low maybe the Buddha had something when he said the path to enlightment is to walk the middle way its up to us to find out if this is true or not. "KNOW THY SELF " was the oracle of Delphi "NOTHING IN ECXESS" was the second. EtErnaly Yours EtErnlDanzEr***
Re Vitamin K's post: Love Canyon Lake! Was a regular hangout of mine when I was younger.
ReE-something's post: Actually, Socrates said "know thyself", or something to that effect.
socrates came much later than the oracle but no one has a monoply on truth!
E is the embodiment of LAB energy
LOL. I don't know about everybody else, but I feel E is the ultimate (i am sure a lot of percent of us will agree
) drug. I don't know about that dentura or efferdent
or whatever it is called, sounds like to much for me after the acid days. Maybe much later in life, i dunno. But, kool story Vitamin-K, I enjoyed it, thanks.