Cannabis withdrawal


Dec 16, 2016
Hello,swim has been smoking cannabis for 5 years almost everyday,swim is now 19 years old and a month ago swim took a very low dose of lsd and smoke a little salvia as well(has done lsd one more time and had a great time a year ago,salvia also occiasonally).
...the next day after the lsd and salvia combo swim was smoking weed and he had a full blown panic attack which lasting almost three days starting in the morning and stopping late at night...swim is diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder by the way and weed ussualy helps him deal with that...the thing is that swim stopped smoking weed cause it gives him panic attacks and derealization everytime now.The last time he smoked was two weeks ago and since then he hasnt smoked even a little,the problem is that he is still anxious,sometime sgets panic attacks,nightmares,confusion and occasional mild flashbacks.also swim read somehting on the internet some days ago about entities and demons and has been getting paranoid about these things ,having irrational fears about demons and entities which he never had before,swims mind relates everything to entities just because he read it on some bullshit site on the web.
swim worries that hes gone insane and wants some advice or opinion about this,is it paranoia from the weed withdrawl or something more serious like schizophrenia(by the way swim alos has a phobia of going insane or being schizophrenic the lastcouple of years)
Hi Spuros,

Something quite similar happened to me many years ago when I smoked cannabis on a regular basis, however I was solely smoking cannabis and not ingesting any other drugs whatsoever. Time and complete abstinence (not just from cannabis but from all drugs) helped significantly. If I go anywhere near cannabis (and most other drugs with the exception of short term benzo use) all the symptoms come back again until I get some decent sober time under my belt. It seems to be more of a symptom of cannabis use as opposed to cannabis 'withdrawal'.

So its been a month now and the symptoms are still present -- have you done any drugs in this period of time?
Yes i smoked weed two weeks ago just to see what would happen and i got anxious and paranoid so i decided i wont smoke again for a long time...something similar happened to me last year but not that intense and i got over it with exercise and three months abstinence from all drugs ...the thing that worrys me is not the anxiety and panic attacks,i understand this is from the drugs,the thing im worried about is how these things i read about the demons are stuck in my head so much,for example, i read on this site that when i feel temperature changes or when i get angry its because of entities messing with me,now everytime something like this happens my mind tries to explain it this way...i realize this is not true,but the thoughts just pop up,when im outside with my friends i feel quite normal and dont think these things,but once a thought like this pops up i start worrying that im fucking insane
Many people find weed to be anxiety producing--particularly after a stressful trip.

What you are describing sounds dangerously close to psychotic thinking so the best thing you can do for yourself is to live the healthiest life you can (good diet, good exercise and good sleep, no drugs) while perhaps getting some therapy to help with the thoughts. Remember that your thoughts determine your reality--those entities are all you.<3