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Candy flipping on your first time?


Jun 10, 2016
Me and my friend are going to try acid again after we got scammed with bunk tabs last time. This time, I will also be picking up some Molly the same time I am picking up the acid. I know that combining the two on your first time is a bad idea, especially since I have no experience with either substance, but if anyone has done this could they please tell me how it went? I am going to be in environment where I feel completely calm and safe, so I feel like even If I decide to candy flip there's no way I could have a bad time. Chances are I will do them separately and then combine them on my second time with both, but if anyone has done this on their first time I would just like to know how it went and if they would recommend it.
Definitely forget about candyflipping until you actually feel it's 'necessary' to make either of them more interesting. Separate they are wonderful and if you just take it easy and take the time to appreciate them they can be mindblowing. Trust me, it would be very impatient and greedy to start with that right away... whatever interesting you may have heard about it or however cool it may sound.

Also it's so much more unpredictable combining powerful things like acid and mdma increasing the chances of finding it difficult to handle. A safe environment is always a good condition, but it honestly doesn't automatically make just anything a good plan.
There's plenty of reasons, including that you should always know from your own experience how potent your batches of the drugs are before you can even begin to consider what proper doses would be. It's not safe to just assume you have the drugs just as they were advertised by the dealer. There are quite a few things out there including drugs like 25I (fake acid) that would not be safe to combine, and should even be tried carefully by themselves unless you want to be responsible for bad things happening.

Don't think it's particularly smart to try ensuring a positive LSD trip by adding the MDMA or something like that either... I have experience with it, and while yeah for sometime in the future when you are experienced, it's an option to consider, it's kind of ridiculous to expect that it wouldn't be mindblowing enough to just have nice decent LSD trips first, or rolls.

Considering it after trying them separately is the very least you should do, and assuming you have good quality stuff, proper reactions and full blown experiences with both to actually refer to.. you should get a better idea of why they are plenty interesting to explore separately first.
Issue can be though that I don't believe most people would have a decent picture of something like LSD before they do it a whole bunch of times, not one try. So even trying it once by itself - while perhaps it may already say a lot, will still leave a lot to say.

sorry about the tone of voice but come on, the hybris.. ;p

If you prefer not to believe a guy like me for it, be honest about the matter and perform a search in this forum about something like 'candyflipping first time' and read a shitload of comments, because you are not at all the first one to ask this.. and I guarantee you almost everyone will tell you not to go at it like this.
It's not like you actually lose anything by postponing this a good while, you can always come back to it and do it later. It would be such a shame to make it complicated and difficult and ruin your 'relationship' with drugs like these right from the start (or worse).

Or you know, stop combining so many drugs before you learn how to use them safely on their own? (yes that other thread)
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Thanks for your advice Solipsis! After hearing that, I will just listen to you and enjoy them separately for a while. I wasn't really planning on doing it in the first place, but I just wanted to hear other people's opinions first before I decided if I should or shouldn't. I guess it would be kind of a waste to do both of them at once without knowing how they feel on their own first. Especially after my last experience buying acid, I really have no way of knowing if it is real or not without a test kit, which I am unable to obtain under the current circumstances. So I will play it safe for now and keep them separate until I at least have proof that I am not getting something like 25I.
I think it's important to get a feel of the tabs, so that you know when to take the MDMA.
I agree with everyone especially since you didnt get real shit last time and it has lead you to anticipate a less then mind shattering trip which may not be the case. I had been doing L for 4 years before I candy flipped that was the first time i rolled but by then taking L was so common place it was and still is considered "almost sober" for myself.

I absolutely love L and am glad i had ample time to get to know it fully before i did anything other then smoke weed on it and that was always intense enough.