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Candy-Flipping for the first time; I need some help.


May 28, 2014
So, i'm a Bluelight fan but i've never registered before since almost all my questions have been answered already in other threads. But i would really like some specific advices for my situation here.

I want to Candy-Flip for the first time since so far my 2 favourite drugs over all are LSD and MDMA. I'm not really an experienced user but i've loved both in every situation i've used them. I've done LSD 7 times before, indoor/private garden all the time, i've never done it in public before. MDMA i've done 3 times only, actually the 3 of them in the last 6 months. The 3 times it was a dose of around 200mg in cigarrette paper +50 - 80mg. Concerts.

So, in less than a Month i'm going to this really cool 3 days music festival with a camping side next to a lake and really cool shit. I think that's the place where i want to candy-flip, but i'd like some general advice and i have some specific questions as well. I really trust you Bluelight people so i'd like to read you.

Ok, we're 3 friends going, the 3 of us wants to Candy-Flip. Even though i'm not a really strong user i'm the more experienced of us. One of them did half square of a really soft (In my opinion) Lsd and the same dose as me one time of mdma. The other one have done mdma with me 2 out of the 3 times with the same dose. (I don't know if it's relevant to say, but the friend that has done the mdma 2 times with me had much more visible physical effects than all of us who did it; we all were really warm and pale with some shaking, but in her case, even with the same dose, she had reaaaaally strong and visible jaw and hand shaking, I don't know if it's important but i was even a little bit worried because none of us had such a strong reaction with the jaw shaking, she couldn't even talk properly)

We thought that probably the best option would be to do it the last night. Because we thought that if we did it before, we would be really tired afterwards to enjoy the rest of the concert with the same energy. But it's also important to mention that we are going and coming back from the festival by hitch-hiking, so it might be worst. How strong is the comeback of Candy-Flipping? How is the body/mental tiredness? If we do it the second night can we still party cool the third?

Also for the dose, the usage and the timing. As i described, we're not really experienced to this, and my friends are basically new. Is it a good idea to candy-flip without strong experience? I kind of now how i react and i think in both drugs but no idea with the combo, also i've never done LSD in a festival. DO you think there are strong risks? For example, is swimming while candy-flipping dangerous? Is it really noticeable for other people? (though i think a lot of people will be in stronger combos)

>>>How should we time it? The festival is quite long and there are all sorts of bands, but with CF i guess we should do it with more electronic-dancing music, right? If the dancing part starts around 9pm should we like, take the lsd around 6 and maybe Molly around 10? To be at the peak in the peak of the dancing part as well ? what do you think?

IS there something we MUST try or do while CF? something really important to bring with us? As you can imagine the food and drinks will be quite expensive inside, but we are allow to bring up to 2kg and 5lts of food and drinks per tent.

Any safety advices? emergency cases? the worst scenario? Is it still a good idea for them to CF? If we decide than only i'm CF and them only with Molly, with it still be enjoyable for the 3 of us? or will we be at "different levels"? It's not an all night festival, the DJ stays until 2am but I GUESS they will let music go on all night, but i'm not sure... is this a good festival to do it?

If you have any other advices or something to say it will be super welcomed :))) Thank you for your time guys.
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Iv never candy-flipped, but heard very postive things. If you have previously had very good reactions to both drugs, then i wouldnt worry too much. For the comedown, 5-htp might help, it helps my MDMA comedowns immensly. Available at most pharmacies legally, no scrip required. However, just because you have taken a significant amount of both substances before i wouldnt assume the combo wont be more intense. Id advise maybe dabbing MDMA over bombing with LSD, that way if it gets a bit sketchy you can simply stop, with bombs (md in rizzla) its a no-going-back thing, start gently, give it 40mins and see how you feel :). In fact if i were you, id take the acid, wait for the trip to get going, then do the molly after an hour or so just to be safe. MDMA evokes a release of serotonin, so chemically its pretty much guaranteed to make things more pleasant with the right frame of mind.

Sorry i cant offer more advice man! Sounds like a great time, let me know how it goes man!
drugs multiply more than they stack. When you're candyflipping you tend to notice the psychedelic body of MDMA way more. Personally, it's my favorite way to trip, awesome time. If you're cool with both chemicals, you'll likely be cool with them together. Just be sure to titrate and play it safe anyways, as with all new combos.
Personally I would not trip If I would go to that festival. No electronic music what so ever.. at least not any "traditional" edm... That was one of your questions. Depends what music gets you off tho..

I have never candy flipped or done LDS, so nothing else from me.
Personally it sounds like a bad idea to do LSD and MDMA together the first time you have tripped in public. If you are set on doing it just take it slow maybe do half your usual dose of Acid wait an hour or so and then do some MDMA if you are still in a good frame of mind. Your friends sound pretty inexperienced with psycs so would be even more cautious. It sort of depends on how chilled out the festival is I suppose.

I would probably do it on the first night or second night, hitch hiking on a comedown doesn't sound much fun. Anyway whatever you decide stay safe, look out for each other and have a blast.
I would say: for LSD, take small enough amount which will not cause you to have any visual hallucinations. That will provide you with "baseline high". You feel somewhat intoxicated, just as like having some 3 beers in quick pace, but still you are sober enough to understand everything. Some 2-3 hours later, take the MDMA. If you want to play it for safe, wait until the "main attack" from LSD subsidies. You know: when you take LSD, it's like a turbulent ride on aeroplain while reaching the cruising altitude. Then it suddenly calms down, but you know you are high as a kite. For me it's usually 2-3 hours since taking the LSD. Then take the MDMA.
If you at some point feel overwhelmed, just leave the place for some calm. Don't force youself to stay, just admit: "Okay, small pause is in place". That's how it went with my friend. After 10 minutes cool-off, back to the event and we were blasting again.