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Canadian Super Lemon Haze price points (%’s) since legalization

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Superior mods - I’m not naming the company and these numbers aren’t dick waving; they are an expression of poorly controlled OCD.

Oct 17/2018 - $57 Cdn - 100%
Dec/2019 - $52 Cdn - 91.2% Done under the guise of first sales 12 Holidaze (haha get it?)
Early 2020 - $42 Cdn 73.7%
March/April 2020 $29 Cdn 50.9%
July 2020 $21 - 36.8%
October 2020 $15 - 26.3%

The first sales was done under the guise of a holiday. Price changes were temporary for the month of December, 2019 and returned to $57 Cdn. Then Covid hit and store traffic was shut down. This company had mail order/courier services from day 1 and still sells to patients and other provinces. And massive (as in millions of square feet) amounts of production came online. Products weren’t selling and were being returned to provincial distributors, and from there back to the producers to be destroyed/converted. There was recognition that, for some people, money would be tight.

2019 was a year of shock as Cdn companies started to realize that a license to grow wasn’t a license to print money. 2020 is a year of reaction (and legalization of anything other than weed or edible oils). Money bleeds as companies introduce new products.

The realization that you have to offer good quality cannabis at a reasonable price has resulted in a large number of pre packaged (cause that’s all we get) sizes; 1.0, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0, 14.0, 15.0, 25.0 and 30.0 g with variable price points.

Because it’s legal, most provinces/territories have online stores. I’ve cruised British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia online stores and have taken glances at online stores in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland/Labrador. Haven’t looked at Prince Edward Island or Nunavut territories.

Brief observation is that prices are falling in every place in the country; in some more than others.


edit: I’m specifically not mentioning the company or amount. Although they *are* real world prices and all for the same unnamed amount. So called value added pricing is spreading across the whole country. Since direct email communication with customers is allowed it’s now becoming common to get email notifications of ‘online pop up 24 hours deals’.
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Hmm last I checked in April it was down to ~$7.50/g now I see there are a bunch under $5/g on OCS. I didn't expect prices to start falling so fast, but pandemic restrictions on retail shops were pretty severe so maybe there is a lot of inventory left to move
I am not completely sure i know who you are talking about if it's an Ontario store.
The legal(government)market's reputation was sunk from day 1 and i doubt they will recover. I know non government dispensaries that do well, the ones on reservations are cheap and good quality.
More people are growing now as well here .
If that isn't what you're talking about, sorry
Hmm, it's very funny, I'm not from Canada (I wish I lived there, shit) but here I have friends who grow Super Lemon Haze and the price goes up and down. 19.45 usd right now per gram, crazy, our economy sucks, if we want to smoke good weed we have to pay 1/4 of our minimum wage
@Kara Kava It’s a Manitoba store/licensed producer (and there’s only one); Delta9Biotech. We are officially the *only* province that keeps personal cultivation illegal. But, from day 1 we’ve had same day courier from the stores; and b/c all the stores are private, there’s a race to the bottom for price/gram it seems.

@Nicocastillo7 I remember in the lead up to Cdn legalization, government experts said that a) people would pay a premium for legal, tested, certified pesticide/heavy metal residue free weed > but then legalization hit, and on day 1 there wasn’t anything cheaper than the black market. After 2 years, I can finally buy legal weed equivalent to the black market (pricewise) > but a Lot of the legal stuff just isn’t very good.

The big producers (Tweed, Aurora, Aphria and Tilray) all have lower cost and so called value brands. There’s nothing different about the lower cost bulk options except packaging. And generally these are product sku’s that did not exist in January.

Just ordered 20g of a ‘generic’ indica product this morning. It cost less than what a quarter cost me on legalization day.

The fact that these companies thought that growing cannabis was equivalent to growing gold led them to invest in massive over production. To stem the bleeding they had to cut costs (shedding jobs) and offer lower (much) cost products.
Hey... hey wait a minute... so price discussion is cool now?

Doesn't bother me a bit, I was just surprised to see a mod start a price discussion thread.

The prices I pay vary drastically. Anywhere from $6.40/g to $15/g. I'll be honest, though, if I'm dropping more than $10/g then that bag needs to be glowing like fuckin' kryptonite. Craziest part is that I've come to learn more expensive doesn't necessarily mean stronger/more potent. I don't have anything specific on Super Lemon Haze but I felt left out and wanted to jump in the convo. :)
Interesting problem to have. Most of the USA has the opposite problem. I personally cant wait til my state legalizes