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Canada - People overdosing on ‘research drugs,’ police say


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
People overdosing on ‘research drugs,’ police say
CityNews Toronto
September 14th, 2014

Several people have overdosed on so-called research drugs, which are starting to be used recreationally, prompting Toronto police to issue a public warning.

Police said the drugs—ethylphenidate and methylbenzylpiperazine, which companies are willing to sell online—are purported to produce highs similar to cocaine and ecstasy (MDMA) and are priced comparably.

“This is a fairly new area that we’re seeing,” Insp. Howie Page said at a news conference on Friday.

“I can tell you that…individuals now going to research drugs and putting this into their system—It’s new. It’s new to law enforcement.”

He said people get a “false sense of safety” after reading anecdotal advice from uncredited sources and there’s no way of knowing the concentration and purity of the drugs.

Read the full story and watch the police press video here.

The cops are so clueless...

1. The whole point of the term "research chemicals" flew right over their heads. It is a euphemism. It does not mean that all these substances are actually being researched by pharmaceutical and chemical companies at the moment.
2. I know where these drugs were purchased. It is a legitimate company with quality control. Saying that users "have no way of knowing" whether the drugs are actually what they are sold as is like saying that you have "know way of knowing" whether the milk you bought at the store is laced with melamine or not.
3. I love how he claims that the drugs should be "regulated..." pretty sure his view of regulation is different from what it usually means in the drug-policy debate.
4. These drugs are definitely NOT controlled. Of course, the cops couldn't possibly figure that out by themselves.
5. This is a "new" phenomenon? Really?

And on and on...

If you have the time, watch the cop trying to answer the reporters' questions. Cringe-worthy... :\
I didnt find out about all these RCs either until I jumped into a specialty drug discussion community and found an RC thread posted in some hidden corner. There are dozens Ive never even heard of. To the average Joe RCs *are* new. I agree with the safety of RCs in a way. At least we know what LSD and amphetamine and cannabis do to long term users and make an informed decision about what were ingesting.

I see the Indian and Chinese chemists in business for a long time to come either way...
I'd be circumspect of any drug-related matters originating in a city with such a iffy mayor.
The more substances that they try to control, the more that novel/legal replacements will emerge on the grey market (and then the black market).

Hence overall, the more substances that these clowns try to control, the more substances will be available for dealers to sell and for users to consume.

Therefore, the aforementioned clowns are directly contributing to an exponential increase of "street drugs" available for recreational use.

Anyone else feel like cackling maniacally at the madness of such a futile strategy (control)?
The more substances that they try to control, the more that novel/legal replacements will emerge on the grey market (and then the black market).

Hence overall, the more substances that these clowns try to control, the more substances will be available for dealers to sell and for users to consume.

Therefore, the aforementioned clowns are directly contributing to an exponential increase of "street drugs" available for recreational use.

Anyone else feel like cackling maniacally at the madness of such a futile strategy (control)?

Not only that, but every time they ban a drug, the replacement put out by the chemists is less studied, less understood, less tested, and so, more dangerous.
Geez, I don't think that cop would understand the very concept of euphemism if you explained it to him...
Wow a shit ton of people around here use that "company in Ontario". And 95 percent will never see this article and continue ordering. This company is being watched now, not just by police but US border patrol patrol. IMO it's insane to order from there. Also predicting the end of Canadian RC scene once Health Canada gets on the ban wagon. They don't have open debate like government does, they just ban shit in the ultimate nanny state way.
This company is being watched now, not just by police but US border patrol patrol. IMO it's insane to order from there.

They don't send anything to the U.S. and haven't for years.
Also predicting the end of Canadian RC scene once Health Canada gets on the ban wagon. They don't have open debate like government does, they just ban shit in the ultimate nanny state way.

This sort of thing really ticks me off. And I know they've done it repeatedly in the past decade.

Not very democratic at all in my opinion. And you're right - sure feels like an 'ultimate nanny state' move (edit - with a touch of hypocrisy).
The fat douchebag in the industry acts like raping people's livelihoods for ketamine instead of it being legal to possess like before is somehow a victory. He acts like "regulating" the chemicals by sending them completely into the black market somehow benefits us. Hopefully the fact that no actual deaths occurred slows down the ban process. It is sickening to hear him say "we don't want a death" when scores die daily from the effects of alcohol.
They don't send anything to the U.S. and haven't for years.

Well their website says they do

"Do you ship to the USA?

We ONLY ship products which are not explicitly controlled or classified as analogous by the Analog Act to the US."

I doubt you could make a living selling to Canadians only.
Well their website says they do

"Do you ship to the USA?

We ONLY ship products which are not explicitly controlled or classified as analogous by the Analog Act to the US."

I doubt you could make a living selling to Canadians only.

Oh damn, you are right, my bad. For a while they weren't shipping anything to the U.S. but they must have changed that policy since I last looked.