Can sudden cessation of testosterone cause side effects or withdrawal?


Sep 17, 2007
Hey guys, is there any kind of withdrawal or negative side effect from the sudden cessation of testosterone replacement? I'm on 2x 5mg/day patches (starting around mid last year) to combat the low testosterone 5 years of opiate use has left me with, but late last week my script ran out, and Easter weekend made refilling it a pain, I figured I'd be fine going without for 4 or 5 days. I last wore the patches properly I think Wednesday or Thursday, until I applied 2 just 20 minutes ago.

I have also, over the last few days, been experiencing symptoms vaguely reminiscent of opiate withdrawal. Mild hot flushes, fluctuating muscle & joint ache and, most noticeably, fairly severe insomnia ( I slept fine Saturday night, 8pm - 4am was then awake for 25 hours till 5am Monday morning, at which point I managed 3 or 4 hours of very unsatisfying sleep with the aid of 20mg or so of nitrazepam. I woke up feeling like shit afterwards and have been awake since (31 hours), despite having taken 30mg or so of nitrazepam last night. I've added 2mg of xanax just recently, which has wiped away a bit of the sleep deprivation shittiness, but not actually helped me sleep. Probably worth adding that I'm not dependent on these benzos, usually I take the nitrazepam in small doses once or twice a month, and I admittedly binged on xanax 2 weeks ago, but I suffered no withdrawal, was fine afterwards until this weekend and hadn't taken it in the intervening time until an hour or so ago.

So to the point, I know absolutely nothing about hormones - is it possible that these symptoms are related to the cessation of the testosterone? I've taken all my other medications as normal. At first I thought that maybe some weird metabolic thing was interfering with my suboxone absorption, but I know opiate withdrawal of various severities intimately, and this doesn't feel like that. I'm baffled as to any other suspects, it's true that I'm a night owl with a fluctuating sleep schedule and that I dislike sleep only a little bit less than I dislike not sleeping, but straight up insomnia is not something I've ever had a problem with, barring stimulant use (which is definitely not a factor, I haven't touched stimulants in over a year, including caffeine, and I haven't even ingested nicotine for the last 6 weeks. I react badly to stimulants in general and go out of my way to avoid them).

Also worth mentioning that I've had no major dietary or lifestyle changes, no major emotional upheavals.

I'm going to do my own research, but BL is always the first impulse in these situations.

Cheers for any input.

(mods, if the response is a straight up 'nope, not relevant,' feel free to shift this to wherever you think appropriate)
Hey guys, is there any kind of withdrawal or negative side effect from the sudden cessation of testosterone replacement? I'm on 2x 5mg/day patches (starting around mid last year) to combat the low testosterone 5 years of opiate use has left me with, but late last week my script ran out, and Easter weekend made refilling it a pain, I figured I'd be fine going without for 4 or 5 days. I last wore the patches properly I think Wednesday or Thursday, until I applied 2 just 20 minutes ago.

I have also, over the last few days, been experiencing symptoms vaguely reminiscent of opiate withdrawal. Mild hot flushes, fluctuating muscle & joint ache and, most noticeably, fairly severe insomnia ( I slept fine Saturday night, 8pm - 4am was then awake for 25 hours till 5am Monday morning, at which point I managed 3 or 4 hours of very unsatisfying sleep with the aid of 20mg or so of nitrazepam. I woke up feeling like shit afterwards and have been awake since (31 hours), despite having taken 30mg or so of nitrazepam last night. I've added 2mg of xanax just recently, which has wiped away a bit of the sleep deprivation shittiness, but not actually helped me sleep. Probably worth adding that I'm not dependent on these benzos, usually I take the nitrazepam in small doses once or twice a month, and I admittedly binged on xanax 2 weeks ago, but I suffered no withdrawal, was fine afterwards until this weekend and hadn't taken it in the intervening time until an hour or so ago.

So to the point, I know absolutely nothing about hormones - is it possible that these symptoms are related to the cessation of the testosterone? I've taken all my other medications as normal. At first I thought that maybe some weird metabolic thing was interfering with my suboxone absorption, but I know opiate withdrawal of various severities intimately, and this doesn't feel like that. I'm baffled as to any other suspects, it's true that I'm a night owl with a fluctuating sleep schedule and that I dislike sleep only a little bit less than I dislike not sleeping, but straight up insomnia is not something I've ever had a problem with, barring stimulant use (which is definitely not a factor, I haven't touched stimulants in over a year, including caffeine, and I haven't even ingested nicotine for the last 6 weeks. I react badly to stimulants in general and go out of my way to avoid them).

Also worth mentioning that I've had no major dietary or lifestyle changes, no major emotional upheavals.

I'm going to do my own research, but BL is always the first impulse in these situations.

Cheers for any input.

(mods, if the response is a straight up 'nope, not relevant,' feel free to shift this to wherever you think appropriate)

In short: Yes.... You are obviously on Hormone Replacement Therapy because of low endogenous (natural) levels of testosterone, by dropping your daily medication you will revert back to your naturally low levels which may be almost non existent due to exogenous (external) application (the patches)...
You may feel low libido, mood swings, lethargy, depression etc... Unsure as to how it may affect sleep patterns, hot flushes etc.... joint ache may be due to low estrogen....

I have no knowledge of nitrazepam sorry....
I'm interested in the replies as I am going through the same thing at the moment. Health issues and a history of opiate use decreased my testosterone levels to near zero so I was put on injections. I did this for about 6 months but last week my wife insisted that I quit- I had become a raging animal during the last month or so as my hormones have been completely out of whack. My wife said that she'd rather go without sex and have my libido nonexistent than have me acting the way that I'd been during the last few weeks. I have been suffering the exact same symptoms that you have though man. Good luck to you
Dropping off your TRT can cause your testosterone levels to drop to nearly nothing as you have been replacing the body's natural testosterone with exogenous, the body has reacted by stopping production of testosterone.
As gf said yes it can cause issues, depression is a common symptom of sudden testosterone ceaseation without the use of a serm amongst other side effects. I wouldn't call them withdrawals in the conventional sense, it's more to do with your body not having the required levels of T to function correctly.