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Can mdma help produce serotonin permanently


Dec 5, 2016
So recently I started doing some really pure Molly crystals, I've noticed that since I started I've been more happy in general, I take about 100-150 mg dose every other week for about 2-3 months now sometimes twice a week. I was just wondering if anyone has any theories to why this has made me happier. Do you guys think that taking pure mdma can teach ur brain to produce more serotonin on its own or something like that? Any theories are welcome!!!
No, pure MDMA cannot help produce serotonin in the brain. It will only deplete it. With the doses you're taking as frequently as you're taking it you will end up with severe depression and anxiety before much longer.
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This will not end well, taking MDMA in this frequent intervals you are going to end up with some problems. It disturbs the normal balance of neurotransmitters and in these intervals and dosages neurotoxicity could also play an important role…
Yeah take a few months off. Abuse it and it'll abuse you, like happened to me.
This will not end well, taking MDMA in this frequent intervals you are going to end up with some problems. It disturbs the normal balance of neurotransmitters and in these intervals and dosages neurotoxicity could also play an important role…

Could rolling every week with piracetam help?
Historically, piracetam and MDMA have not mixed well for bluelighters. There was a scary incident where someone got a 3 minute memory for a few days. They're very lucky they returned to normal.

Anyways, MDMA just causes the brain to release serotonin that it has already synthesized and stored in storage units called "vesicles" - MDMA is the equivalent of opening a release valve on a tank and letting the water (in this case serotonin) flow forth.

The enzyme that makes serotonin - tryptophan hydroxylase - is actually inhibited by MDMA. So long term MDMA may halt your production of serotonin, then you won't have serotonin to release naturally when you're sober.

I'm sure there can be some long term benefits to serotonin (and other neurotransmitter) signaling induced by MDMA, but SSRIs can have a similar effect on depression/anxiety when given long term and are much more sustainable.

Don't over do it with the MDMA, it can bite you in the ass and you can also just plain old "lose the magic".
Historically, piracetam and MDMA have not mixed well for bluelighters. There was a scary incident where someone got a 3 minute memory for a few days. They're very lucky they returned to normal.

Ouch, has anyone explored this scientifically? Others said piracetam made their roll feel like their first one and one guy on youtube corroborated this experiment. Definitely not gonna try piracetam with ecstasy if most people on bluelight got a shredded memory from it.
There have been people that have tried to regain their lost magic with racetams but I personally haven't heard any success stories on here - I think it's dangerous and if someone has lost the magic from mdma then they need to re-approach their lives in terms of finding happiness.

The 3 minute memory thing was... pretty serious.
There have been people that have tried to regain their lost magic with racetams but I personally haven't heard any success stories on here - I think it's dangerous and if someone has lost the magic from mdma then they need to re-approach their lives in terms of finding happiness.

The 3 minute memory thing was... pretty serious.

Can I see the thread?
MDMA makes people open hearted and helps them work through traumatic psychology, which is why it's now being used in therapy. People who are shut down emotionally and have trouble feeling or experiencing love can be shown what it looks like with MDMA. Sometimes a couple of doses is all that's needed to get people into a better perspective about life. Maybe that's what you're experiencing?

I would not attribute this to frequent use of MDMA, but a change in your personal psychology. If you continue to do MDMA every other week you may cause irreparable harm to your neurology, resulting in more emotional debilitation. It's easy to dismiss this as a new user because you have virgin receptors and so it may appear like you are an exception to the rule, but trust me you're not. Stop now while you can.
Could rolling every week with piracetam help?

Rolling frequently (over 2-3x/year) is definetly not good for mental and physical health. Psychological problems are very common in former MDMA users. The excessive release of neurotransmitters changes the brain chemistry for a longer period of time (even changes gene expression of serotonin which leads to lower levels in long-term), also cortisol levels are higher for several weeks to months in MDMA users. In summary, MDMA is definetly not safe when taken frequently.
Without reading the entire thread, I would describe what you are feeling as the magic of a long afterglow.

Frequent dosing of MDMA or similar compounds will result in down regulation.

Polydrug use only further complicates the situation.
I suppose its possible you are having a unique effect/benefit but this is very much uncharacteristic of mdma and its effects.
Some people have reported extended mood lift for subsequent days, generally in debates around old school (1990s) mdma more than todays.

Personally, in my experience, i too enjoyed some mood lift days following mdma, although not with anything i have had in my possession since circa 2007 ish.
But i attribute this to being young and misunderstanding some positive mental/psychological works as days of benefit.

You might have unique brain chemisty, but do tread carefully. It is worthwhile to take long breaks drom mdma, that is undisputed in any thread or forum.