Can I get in trouble for taking my prescription adderall more than directed


Jul 30, 2016
I've posted here a while back explaining my vicious cycle of being on adderall for add for 14 years and long story short over time I built a tolerance, doctors lowered dosage, refused to up it back to what used to work so ever since then (5 years and counting) I run out of my script 2 weeks early because I double my dosage to equal my old dosage (the higher dosage that worked so well for so many years before they lowered it).
It's a constant struggle but I am curious,
Can I get in any sort of trouble for doing this? For misuse or abuse of my prescription? Legally or with my doctor or anything?
The question came to mind because I am trying to get out of an emotionally controlling, emotionally abusive relationship and he threatned to call the cops and my doctor and tell them I take my meds the way I do and that I run out early. I'm just wondering, any insight would be great thank you!
The only thing that can really happen is the doctor can cut you off. Also the doctor could potentially flag you as an abuser/drug seeker, but that is less likely than nust cutting you off.