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butcher-hook brain surgery


Bluelight Crew
Jun 10, 2017
thick dust clouds sprawl in the poses of broken birds
on bookshelves between the dreaming scholars
voices tongue tied to textbooks dissect
what aristotle meant
by "nature abhors a vacuum"
behind sealed eyelids hides the cheerless crowd
with vacant stares like cities under siege
they sew the words
into ropes of insanity and my thoughts
are the soft epidermis that bleeds into thorns
the black suture comforts like band-aids
on self-inflicted shotgun wounds
zig-zag they march,
gleaming exit stitches over the face
whether nature abhors vacuums or not
is irrelevant at best,
as we
embody them
Last edited:
thick dust clouds sprawl in the poses of broken birds
on bookshelves between the dreaming scholars
voices tongue tied to textbooks dissect
what aristotle meant
by "nature abhors a vacuum"
behind sealed eyelids hides the cheerless crowd
with vacant stares like cities under siege
they sew the words
into ropes of insanity and my thoughts
are the soft epidermis that bleeds into thorns
the black suture comforts like band-aids
on self-inflicted shotgun wounds
zig-zag they march, gleaming exit stitches over the face
whether nature abhors vacuums or not
is irrelevant at best,
as we
embody them
this whole poem was amazing man

every line was oozing with intensity