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Opioids Bupe vs H


Mar 30, 2022
How does bupe compare to H?

Thinking about giving bupe a go just cos I’ve heard it last longer and is cheaper. Also don’t have to worry about cuts n crappy gear.

Also how much bupe would be good for first time user? With no tolerance to opioids
With H you get a rush, you feel amazing and feels like nothing bad that's going on in your life matters at that moment, with the bupe you don't tend to get a rush, it takes a lot longer to "kick in", but if you have any pain it helps a lot, if you don't have any kind of tolerance it will give you a nice buzz though it's just not quite as euphoric as the H, and as a first timer with the bupe I would start on a half, maybe even a quarter depending on your height and weight.
They are not really in the same ballpark but I guess for the opiate naive, they are similarly good.
If you have no tolerance, do not touch needles. At all. Especially for bupe.
For a first time user...really hard to say. I suggest going to erowid.org and looking up the doses as i dont feel comftable giving dose advice to new people.
If i had to it would be no more the 0.2mg at first. Even that im unsure of so please dont take this as gospel.

For heroin dont do more then maybe 50mg at once. Not including iv here. With no tolerance i think that much snorted or smoked should be ok as its non iv ba is pretty low. Take it slow though.
Only again, check on erowid as they'll know better.
Buprenorphine is a very strong drug. It's actually as strong as fentanyl. So you wouldn't want to use anything near a dose that would be much higher than what is used in a hospital setting.

There have been times where during Buprenorphine induction I have still gotten a nod from the medication when they didn't get the dose quite right and it was maybe a little high.

Start low, go slow. You can always take more.
^^ Bupe as strong as fentanyl, i never would have guessed, thanks for the info
When i first started on bupe years ago (off bupe now), it would make me nod a little by the time i got home from the chemist, strange because i can't even get a good nod from H. So i guess that shows how powerful it is.

IMO Bupe is nowhere near as good a hit or high as H (you shouldn't really be hitting bupe anyway) As catania1977 said, with H you get a really good rush, that nice taste in the back of the throat but bupe has none of that.
When i did hit bupe a few times i would add about just 5-10ml of alcohol from a swab to help break it down and only then would i get a "taste", strange, don't know why that was

Unfortunately, there is no cheap or easy way out, if you want that H feeling you just got to be prepared to pay for it.