• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Bupe and nicotine


Feb 15, 2016
Not sure if this belongs here but a short in on mobile I cannot post in OD

I heard a while back someone talk about nicotine negatively effecting bupe absorption, BA, efficiency, whatever.

Is there any truth to this, and if so what specifically does it effect? The length of action, the BA if you smoke soon after taking bupe, what?

Thanks guys. Just trying to make sure I get the most of my savior
I'm not sure. It might, but I am unsure. It's always wise to quit nicotine use if you feel inclined to.
The only obvious way nicotine may impact buprenorphine s.l. absorption is through vasoconstriction of blood vessels under the tongue. Other than that nicotine being a stimulant and increasing adrenaline flow might decrease buprenorphine's sedative effect. I regularly use tobacco snuff (a terrible addiction to have) and drink coffee every day, certainly both make buprenorphine's sedative effect less prominent for me, at times it feels like it's not a healthy combination for my heart as well, buprenorphine brings down my HR down to 60 which is low for my age (late twenties), but that's what I perceive as normal, when my HR goes up to 75-80 due to caffeine and nicotine, my perception is it's pounding and racing. I haven't noticed that due to nicotine and caffeine the length of duration of buprenorphine's effects decreases though.
Interesting , as I have always drunk a lot of coffee and as of quitting heroin have become a chain smoker.. thanks for replies.

Guess now that I plan on only sublingually taking my sub for now, will try to do it soon after waking or during a similar time of low caffeine and lack of smoking for a few hours lol