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RCs Brorphine Research Chemical experiences from anyone?


Jan 4, 2020
Can anyone share what there Brorphine Experiences were like? It seems to be the first thing that has a reasonable potency, not too strong or too weak at least based on the chemical structure of it. It would be nice to hear of people who have used Brorphine Research Chemical and what Dosages from people without a Tolerance to Opioids specifically for the Doses used by those individuals would be very helpful.
From what I’ve read it’s non euphoric and super sedating with server respiratory depression be careful
Cayman suggests it's 1-[1-[1-(4-bromophenyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazol-2-one monohydrochloride. Looks like a bastard child of the active metabolite of bezitramide, and benzylfentanyl.


Bezitramide was pulled off the market due to overdoses. This one makes me nervous, too close to fentanyl to be safe.
Is it also so itchy?

for me atm at least, but i am a bit neurological damaged, got fucked the third time with drugs. now getting something usable out of drugs is not easy, the side effects got to hard and i can check off whole classes of recreational drugs. but brophine is especially itchy for me.