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Brain Zaps After Ecstasy


Dec 12, 2016
Okay so I looked into this a little and I think it is brain zaps but I don't have an answer to why this happened. Friday night me and a group of friends got pills I've had the same ones before(Dom perignon) only this time they were blue instead of orange I took 3 and had a great night these pills were quite trippy as I had a few small hallucinations and some auditory hallucinations nothing big but. I never slept that night, at around 6 or 7am I had nearly fully came down and felt normal just still very awake my pupils were somehow still dialated that night at 9pm and would turn red when a picture was taking I eventually fell asleep at 3:30am so I had been awake for 42 hours. just before I fell asleep I was hallucinating I could see shadows of birds on my ceiling then I crashed out, the following day(Sunday) I felt fine but when I tried to get to sleep that night just as I was drifting my eyes were shut and there was a very bright white flash my full body jolted it was like an electric shock feeling this happened 4 times before falling asleep it was actually hurting my brain haha also they only lasted for a fraction of a second as it happened I heard like a rewinding sound effect :/ weird.
Sorry for going on and on but why did this happen?
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Usually means you took too much. Suppose those are pills dosed on the high end, 3 pills is a LOT. Even if they were low to medium dosed, 3 is a lot. They would have to be about 40mg, which is ridiculously low, to take 3 and get a normal dose
Ya that's happening to me here and there. Different answers I've seen, some say it's anxiety kicking in from your brain and it's trying to fight off the feeling of what your body is undergoing. Others says it's the brain rewiring itself to better itself after the temp damage you've done to it. It usually only happens when I'm resting not during the day, I usually got my symtoms of come down when I'm home and never when I'm at work maybe because I'm not as focused on it. Best bet is to stay away from ecstacy for a while and keep away from anything unhealthy and try to feed your body as heathy as you can so you can best recover from this. I'm undergoing some of these symtoms now and where I messed up was smoking weed when the symtoms kind of went away now I feel the shortness of breath is back just because of that. Not to mention got a real bad high after a few puffs. Take care again and try your best to take a walk, drink warm lemon water to press or anything toxic in our system and eat as healthy as possible. No sugars, no caffience, no drugs AT ALL, get plenty of rest.
This is what happens to me if I take too much, usually on the second night after dosing. I'm usually fine a couple of days later.