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Meth Boofed Dose Compared to IV Dose


Sep 27, 2012
Good day fellow psychonauts and members of the Intermperence Movement....I use methamphetamine just about every day, perhaps 18-24 days out of the month I use, and an 8-ball will last me about 2-3 days roughly. I'll usually smoke it, but have been IVing more up until recently when my veins decided they were gonna take their balls and go home.

I weigh every IV shot that I prepare, shooting for around 0.300 grams. I've gone up to I think 0.340 grams at the most so far, and I never even bother with it if it's not above roughly 0.275 grams.

Over the course of the last 2 weeks, I have managed to accumulate 4 rigs/syringes that all have between 0.285 grams and 0.315 grams in them. These were failed attempts at IVing, after which their solution eventually came to resemble red bloodmethwatermagic.

There was either too much blood in the syringe, and it clotted and coagulated itself past the point of usefulness and into the realm of the vicious and viscos....OR....I grew increasingly suspicious of the safety of the solution after some time (>30mins) had passed so I put them aside after becoming frustrated and depressed that I couldn't register.

Either way, I am NOT going to IV this stuff, but pĺlŕa booty bump seems like a godsend. If I have 4 rigs each containing 0.3 grams (MY normal IV dosage), how should I go about splitting it up if administered rectally? My first instinct is to combine two of them for 2 dosages of 0.6 grams, and do one now and do one in like two hours.

I have boofed but once before and am not super keen on the idea of self-inducing bubble guts, but....it should be easier than when I used to literally follow people around at parties and, eventually, the homeless camps with empty, rinsed-out 32 Oz Gatorade bottles, double- and triple-checking if they needed to go pee. I would volunteer to dump their urine, when in reality I would abscond to my paracord-and-tarp living quarters with the still-fresh golden deliciousness and, when those inevitable dry periods hit and I hadn't had any crystal in, sometimes 3 or even 4 days, I would have a collection of 2 or 3 Gatorade bottles of methpee! These bottles had usually been sitting around outside in the hot Florida sun and so would become extremely hot to the point I would have to put some ice from a store-bought fountain drink in the bottles and cool it off so that I could drink. On really lucky occasions, my trans girlfriend and her 2 brothers would let me just drink right from the hose, the way God intended, and I would get so SO hi!
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I used to literally follow people around at parties and, eventually, the homeless camps with empty, rinsed-out 32 Oz Gatorade bottles, double- and triple-checking if they needed to go pee. I would volunteer to dump their urine, when in reality I would abscond to my paracord-and-tarp living quarters with the still-fresh golden deliciousness and, when those inevitable dry periods hit and I hadn't had any crystal in, sometimes 3 or even 4 days, I would have a collection of 2 or 3 Gatorade bottles of methpee! These bottles had usually been sitting around outside in the hot Florida sun and so would become extremely hot to the point I would have to put some ice from a store-bought fountain drink in the bottles and cool it off so that I could drink. On really lucky occasions, my trans girlfriend and her 2 brothers would let me just drink right from the hose, the way God intended, and I would get so SO hi!

Are you being serious here 😵‍💫 🤣

It's funny, I was randomly wondering to myself a few days ago if perhaps some enterprising tweaker buys homeless meth user urine to collect the meth. But in my imagination said person would evaporate (ostensibly 🤔) the urine before consuming.

In any case, the rectal bioavailability of meth is very high, probably over 90%, so not much lower than IV in an absolute sense. That said, the effect itself differs quite a bit due to the rapid onset of IV administration.

I would not advise taking twice your IV dose rectally.